Chapter 11

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Disha's POV

“So what are you thinking of doing? I mean do you want to work or you have thought of something else?" Dad ask taking my attention away from the food. I gulp down the morsel with the water.

“Oh about that....I was thinking of completing my studies. I have already taken admission delhi university. And I also have applied for a interview German teacher in a highschool. It would be a part time." I reply. Bhai and Mia were already gone when I woke up from my slumber in afternoon.

“What about the fees? I can give you my card." his face is glowing for some reason.

“Dad I have money." As soon as I said that the glow vanishes in an instant. It's true. I have lots of money in my bank account benefit of spending my salary calculativly and also the house was bhai's so I didn't had a extra expense named rent.

“You have already.... decided everything. That's good. I...I am proud of you." I nod my head and continue eating my food.

“Did you had planned something?" I ask as he was looking very gloomy.

“No...I hadn't." He replies.


“What happened dad?" I ask while keeping my spoon aside. He is acting weird.

“It's nothing." I lift my eyebrow and eye them both. Something is nagging them and I won't leave this matter till they tell me everything.

“Okay. You got me. It's just that I wanted to help you in getting settled here. Like if you wanted to do a job I was thinking of helping you. You know like I used to do. You said you wanted to complete your studies so I wanted to get you admitted in the best college by myself. I....I wanted to help you. But you have already decided everything and that's excellent. I just hope next time you let me do what you want....let me handle your problems instead of doing it yourself."

“No dad. I won't......" they both get shocked by my blunt answer “I don't want you to handle anything for me. I don't need your help. And you know why? Because I want to be independent. I don't want to rely on you or on vi.....I mean to say I can handle myself. These three years have taught me many things and I am grateful for that. I am grateful that I got to live by myself. My whole life I was ignorant to the world because of you, bhai and vihaan and that gave me so much problem back that place......" every problem that I faced because of my ignorance started replaying in my head like a repeating movie “I was mi-miserable. The fear of facing those two faced people would...... eat me everyday. The anxiety to meet a stranger was unbearable. But the most difficult thing was to stand for myself. I can't.....even count how many times people had walked all over me just because I never stood for myself but now....." I tilt my head up and stare at them confidently. Dad's eyes are filled with tears while mom is already crying “I can fight for myself. And I want to remain that way. I don't want to turn into my past self back. "

I wait for their response patiently as it will take time to swallow the long speech which I has given. And to get over whatever they are feeling right now. I don't know why I told them those things. I had never told these things to anyone, even bhai who would call me 3-4 times a day doesn't knows it. Then why? Why did I let those things in front of them.

Suddenly I get engulfed in the arms of my mother. But I don't hug her back. This warmth never came to me when I needed them most. Not the day when I lost my baby, not those endless nights which would start with my crying and end with my crying.

“We never knew that you went..... through so much problem. We never knew. We are sorry. We are so sorry." mom says while crying. My eyes gets close. Another pair of arms engulfes me. Dad also apologizes. But that doesn't changes anything.

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