'Ok' they all thought eagerly.

I chuckled lightly 'Esme and Tanya are having a boy, Angela, Dydime and Carmen you are having a girl. Rose you are having two girls, Char your having two boys. Kate and I are having a boy and a girl.' I thought to them.

'Im having two girls?' Rose thought as tears were falling from her eyes.

I nodded. All of the girls had tears in their eyes thinking about their children.

'Well dang Im gonna be outnumbered. Please tell me that my children are not gonna be like my husband?' Char thought.

'Dam I didnt think about that. Two boys growing up with Peter as a father. We are all in trouble' I thought.

We all laughed out loud at the horrified look on Chars face. Once we stopped laughing I continued.

'I have to tell you all something. I cant tell Jasper yet, but my son is Chelseas mate. I just had a vision of it.' I thought.

Their mouths all dropped and they glanced at Chelsea, who was not paying attention to us at the moment, Thank god.

'ooh Jane and Alec are not going to be very happy about that. I think Jasper will be ok with it though.' Tanya thought. Which is very accurate, at least the part about Alec and Jane. They are already very protective of their brother and sister.

Just then my knower went off again. It was now time for us to go into labor.

'Its time' I thought to them.

They all nodded right as we went into labor. Our waters all broke at the same exact moment.

"Chels get the guys. Its time." I said through gritted teeth. We were all trying not to scream at the sudden pain we were all in.

"Marcus, Carlisle, Eleazer, Jasper, Peter, Emmett, Dimitri, Charlie and Garrett come get your women, they are in labor." Chelsea said loudly.

The guys all ran into the room and scooped up their mates. Jazz ran me to our delivery room and set me on the bed.

"Alright darlin' do ya want the pain medication?" Jazz asked me.

"No" I said through gritted teeth. "Its too late for it. I have to push now." I said. My knower told me that my delivery would go by very quickly. I would not have time for the pain medicine.

He nodded and set my feet up in the stirrups and removed my underwear. We all wore dresses today to make this part easier. I started to push as soon as I was situated correctly.

I tried my hardest not to scream, but a few muffled screams left my mouth while I was pushing. The pain was unbelievable. I am happy that the rest of the girls all had time to get the medication.

After what seemed like forever my son came out. "Mathew Andrew Whitlock" Jazz said smiling. He didnt notice that I was still pushing.

"Jazz wrap him in a blanket and hand him to me, still pushin out another baby here." I managed to get out.

He looked at me in shock for a moment before doing what I said. I held Mathew as he waited for our daughter. A few minutes later he had her in his arms. "Mylia Rose Whitlock" He said smiling again. He wrapped her in a blanket and brought her to me. I put her in my right arm and Mathew in my left.

"They are both Beautiful." I said after Jasper delivered the placenta. I was back to venom tears, now that I was a vampire again. Jazz kissed me passionately on the lips before taking them both from me and sitting down next to the bed. I smiled as I watched him. I could feel his Happiness coming off him in waves.

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