Chapter 4

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Bellas P.O.V

I awoke the next morning to an empty room. 'Hehe' I may have closed my window last night so fucktward couldn't get in my room. Knowing him he's gonna be pissed! But I do not care. Nothing is going to ruin my happy mood today.

Your probably thinking that I should be devastated because I found out that fucktward has been cheating on me with the pixie bitch and using me for my blood, but I'm not. However I am pissed that they have been keeping me and Jasper apart. Oh are they both going to pay for their actions.

I get out of bed and head to the bathroom to shower. Twenty minutes later I return to my room to pick out my outfit. I pick out a pair of dark blue skinny jeans, with a purple off the shoulder top. My leather jacket and a pair of purple pumps. 'Yes bella is wearing heals'. I learned control over my blush and gained balance after they left me, partly because no one was there to catch me in my clumsy moments.

I also have a pretty good fashion sense on my own I just never really cared about what I wore. Plus fucktward and pixie bitch always told me what to wear. Not anymore they dont!

After dressing I headed downstairs to find Charlie had already left for work, which is fine with me. I grabbed a poptart and my backpack and went to my truck, saving the poptart for the drive to school.

Jaspers P.O.V

I was sitting in my study all night long thinking about everything that's happened over the last couple months. A week after we came back, around the time Bellas emotions did a 180, something happened.

I personally think it's wonderful. Alice and Edward, not so much. My mind became as silent as Bellas to Edward and Alice stopped being able to see my future all the time. She can occasionally, just not all the time.

No one knows why and it is irritating the fuck out of both of them. Carlisle has been trying to come up with possible reasons and solutions, but nothing fits so far. I haven't told them my theory, well I did just come up with it last night.

My theory is that bellas shield has grown stronger, hence why Alice can't see her future anymore, and she is subconsciously shielding me. I thought about why Edward and Alice would be purposely keeping me and Bella apart, and I've come to the conclusion that it is because Bella is my mate, not Alice.

I don't know why Alice says we are mates, but we are definitely not. She's not strong enough to be the majors mate. That explains the pull I feel to Bella and why it hurts when I'm not around her.

*knock knock*

"Come in Alice"

"Baby time for school." Alice says walking over to pull me up and give me a kiss.

"Alright" I get up and flit past her before she can get to me. I'm still pissed off at her for last night.


Edward and Alice arrived home just after midnight. Edward was pissed off and Alice was frustrated and pissed off. She came storming up to my office and flung open my door.

"Jasper Hale! Would you care to explain why I can't see your future at all anymore?"

"What are you talking about alice?"

"I can't see your future anymore. I could an hour ago and then it all went black, just like Bellas!" Alice screeched.

"I really don't know why. I'm not doing anything, so don't come up here and fucking yell at me for something I can't control!"

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