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april 15, 2018

amcthewalkingdeadapril 15, 2018

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amcthewalkingdead season eight finale... talking dead to follow. emmaline goulding as the surprise guest.

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username1 i'm literally speechless.

username2 that was the most fucked up season finale i've ever seen

username3 don't bother with a season 9 smh the way you guys did eleanor SO DIRTY she is still alive in the comics!!!

username4 i was only still watching the show for el at this point :/ this pic breaks my heart

username5 not them giving eleanor the most traumatic storyline ever and then killing her off

username6 yo twd really do have me trippin

username7 not only did they not kill negan but they let eleanor die?? how is that fair??

username8 catch me literally sobbing

username9 emma did so beautifully 🥺 she really gave eleanor's final episode her all

username10 the fact the dr gave up on eleanor and enid did cpr on her until she turned into a literal walker is the most fucked up thing the show has ever done enid had to watch her best friend die twice and now she has to take care of the baby and carl wanted to name after eleanor's brother that he killed and i think i need therapy over it

username11 i'm so confused the baby was a girl why did they name it jody after eleanor's brother @/username10

username10 i think both eleanor and carl were pretty sure it was gonna be a boy but like jody is kind of a unisex name so it goes both ways but it's me of the fact the carl killed her brother and wanted to name his child jody in honor of him boy or girl

username12 twd really do be out here traumatizing all their young characters lol

username13 rest in peace sweet eleanor 😭😭 season 3 — season 8

username14 this was NOT what i thought was going to happen

username15 ok first glenn. then carl. now eleanor?? it's like the writers keep killing off the only good characters left 🙄 whos next? maggie? rick???

username16 i've never been so heartbroken over a character before

april 15, 2018

emmalinegoulding april 15, 2018

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