Aether's Lullaby

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A flash of lightning and its subsequent roar ripped Aether from a disturbed sleep.

The ear splitting sound, in synchrony with the remnants of dreams, jerked his reflexes. His eyes shot open wide to the darkened ceiling.

There was a name hanging right on the edge of his lips. His heart longed for the presence of the owner of said name. Aether could even smell the qixing flowers and the incense scents that clung to that being.

Nevertheless, Aether bit back his lips and took a deep breath. And he swallowed his desire.

In part, he was glad that he had been torn away from the clutches of the dark dreams that plagued him. On the other part, every single bit of him despaired at the thought of yet another sleepless night.

He laid there for a moment, questioning why he couldn't be allowed to sleep. He chased the shadows of his nightmares for the answer.

He knows he dreamt of purple flashes tearing the skies; so unlike the lighting currently falling just outside the room he was sleeping in. It was far stronger and much more terrifying.

He dreamt of searing pain, and heart stopping fear.

He dreamt of heartache ...

Though, the details of what caused such emotions, he could not recall. The one thing that stuck with him was the image of his dear sister; looking down at him with cold eyes and speaking words Aether could not quite grasp.

Aether's chest hurt at the thought.

That's not Lumine, he told himself. But the words did little to shake his concerns.

With a breath escaping through his nose Aether peeled himself up from the bed, and swung his legs over the edge of it. His long, wavy, golden hair cascaded around his shoulders as he leaned forward to look at his bare feet. He curled his toes and looked over his shoulder at Paimon, who snored away on her side of the bed without a care in the world.

A small part of Aether was jealous. But he huffed out a gentle smile and quietly wished her sweet dreams.

He stood up from his bed dressed in only his crop top and baggy pants. He even forewent putting on his boots. Then he proceeded to open the door, and headed out the room.

It was easy to tell that it was very late, as the usually busy hallways of the inn were empty. Nothing could be heard but the whispers of the leaves and the rapping of raindrops. Not even the chirps of nocturnal creatures could be heard.

Yet, despite that, Aether tiptoed his way through, although part of the reason was because the floor was colder than he had anticipated. He made his way to and past the reception area. Neither Verr or her husband were around in their usual spots tending to guests. And there was no scent coming from chef Smiley Yangxiao's kitchen either.

Pity, Aether thought. He could have gone for a midnight snack. Maybe that would have helped with his sleeping problem.

Although he didn't originally plan to get something to eat, disappointed, Aether made his way up the stairs to the private balcony. He walked towards the wooden railings and folded his arms over them.

The night skies above were still covered in gray and the land of stone and contracts was blanketed in rain. In the early evening, Aether and Paimon had made it to Wangshu Inn just before the downpour.

Though at the moment it was drizzling, the dark clouds above and the flash of lighting in the distance assured that there was more to come. Regardless, Aether stood there and took in the ample view of Guili Plains, and of the mountains so far off in the distance. The tree that held Wangshu Inn had leaves and enormous branches in abundance, which took most of the raindrops. Although, Aether didn't mind if he got a little wet. It would not be the first, nor the last time.

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