The Vigilant Yaksha's Desire

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I'll protect you ... even if it's from myself.

That was the silent oath Xiao took as he left an exhausted Aether in his abode. That night, Xiao had successfully vanquished whatever stray demons remained. As he fought, he noticed that there had been something ... different.

The effects of his karma were the same, and Zhongli's medicine was working as per usual ... but ... there was something else. The fear of succumbing, the dark memories that always taunted him to give in, had been replaced by the memory of Aether's welcoming, warm touch; that impossibly soothing voice that chased away the dark whispers that threatened to consume him.

He swore to protect Aether as fiercely as he protected Liyue. Part of Xiao told him that the best way to do this was to stay away... but the desire in his heart combatted what he understood as logic. And the only way to tame that desire was by quelling the darkness.

By the time he defeated the demons, the sun was yet to rise, but it was already starting to chase away the dark. Xiao had returned to his abode and Aether was still sound asleep. And it was here where he realized that staying away from Aether was probably not going to be possible; he couldn't bring himself to wake him up. Instead he watched Aether sleep, made sure that he was breathing even though there was no reason for Xiao to doubt that he was. Once more Xiao found his hand gravitating towards Aether's face to gently brush back more of the messy fringe from it. Although this time, Xiao was a little more bold by also threading four of his fingers through the silky golden tresses. A soft sleepy sound escaped Aether's lips as he stirred a little bit and leaned up into Xiao's touch. Aether didn't wake, but he smiled and he mumbled Xiao's name so softly it hurt Xiao's heart.

Xiao wondered if Aether was dreaming about him, and if so, what was he dreaming about, exactly. Xiao could use his powers to find out, but he dared not. To have even wondered about doing that was already impulsive, and Xiao couldn't believe he even thought about it. This behavior continued to unsettle him.

Xiao meant that promise he made, of course he did. But he wasn't so sure if he could fulfill the part that was supposed to imply Xiao keeping his distance to protect Aether from his festering corruption. For Aether always sought him out, and whenever Xiao tried his absolute best to avoid Aether, he always found a way back to him in the end. Consciously or not.

What an inconvenience.

Xiao would have to reflect on this. He did not know how to deal with these new feelings blossoming and causing chaos within. He was too used to routine; too used to worry about nothing else other than duty and fulfilling the contract he forged with Morax.

He left before Aether could wake. But not without leaving food and medicine for Aether to take.

Thus he retreated to Jueyun Karst, the realm of adepti. It was not often that he went there, but he thought that the secluded mountain range would offer him the peace he needed for the clarity he sought.

That is how Xiao currently stood at the very top of Mt. Hulao. It was the third day he has spent in this seclusion. The early afternoon breeze blew. It spoke of the wishes of the people of Liyue, as well as promised the coming of rain later on.

It was peaceful. Quiet. Xiao listened, eyes closed, and a slight tension nestled upon his brows. Both of his arms were tied behind his back, while his hands flexed idly around his weapon.

He was trying very hard not to think of sun kissed hair or fair skin with just the slightest tan ... Neither did he let himself linger in the simple memories of eyes that looked like the purest of Cor Lapis stones, and would shine like the most beautiful of topaz gems whenever they looked at him.

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