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Most of the story is told from Auburn's POV unless it says otherwise. I hope you enjoy!




"What was that!?" Calli exclaims.

"Oh no... it's time" I utter in disbelief.

Before another word can be uttered the whole world turns white. The prophecy is beginning to unfold.


Wake up young one...

Wake up...

You must find the Myths and save the world...

If you ever need power, any assistance in your journey...

Call upon my name...



My eyes slowly open to a clear blue sky. There are seagulls overhead. "Where the fuck am I?" I say as I survey my surroundings. I'm on a beach. No sign of any other people here. Am I alone? What happened to me?

"Hey human. You okay?" A voice says behind me. Still laying down, I look up and see a short girl with a shark tail holding a trident.

"Oh...what's up?" I ask.

"Your...not shocked that I have a tail? Not at all?" She seems baffled.

"Nah, I literally don't care. Not to be rude. But I got bigger problems to worry about. Besides, it shouldn't matter if you got a tail or not. I won't judge just cause your different than me." I stand up and dust the sand from my body.

As somebody who's been treated differently my whole life, I understand what it's like to be judged for things like your appearance. I'm biracial. Basically, my father is white and my mother is black. In the town we lived in, I would get bullied everyday for years because I was considered a freak.

"Well that's a relief.

"Call me Auburn. And what should I call you kid?"

"KID?! My name is Gawr Gura and I'll have you know I'm over 9,000 years old. I'm an apex predator!" She pouts.

I will admit, it was cute to see her pout. "Okay okay my bad." I say. "Anyways, where are we?"

"Beats me." She shrugs. "I just woke up here"

"Same. Maybe we can look for a way outta here together." Suddenly she ready's her trident.

"Looks like we got company." She says.

I turn around and see 3 giant fish man like creatures emerge from the ocean. "Huh, they kinda look like the Zora from the Legend of Zelda" I say.

"Gawr Gura... by the Master's will, you are to come with us. Refusal to comply will result in force." The first guy says.

"Over my dead body am I going anywhere with you people." Gura says and bares her teeth.

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