Daryl looked straight ahead while Rick looked around the room. His eyes met Adira's but he didn't look too long. He couldn't give her hiding spot away. She was the one who would get them out.

There was a tall bald man behind Daryl and Rick. He held a metal bat and swung it aroun, practicing his swings. She could see Daryl try to not freak out but his chest continued rising faster. The other man was sharpening his knife before saying, "alright."

The two moved to the end of the row, standing behind the blonde boy. He whimpered in fright and the bald man swung his bat and hit him in the back of the head. The boy squeezed his eyes shut and his head rolled forward. The other guy grabbed the blondes hair and hugged him back before slicing through his throat.

Adiras eyes widened as the red liquid squirted into the metal contraption. The guy beside the blonde began screaming but it was muffled. His screaming stopped once he was hit. Then the third.

A guy with short brown hair and colored eyes walked into the room with a notebook. Adira crawled away, towards the metal wall to avoid being seen. "Hey, guys. What we're your shot counts?"

"38." She heard a man say and a thud followed. Then the sound of squirting blood followed. That was four. Glenn would be next. "Hey! Your shot count?" The guy with the notebook said with an irritated tone. Adira creeped forward to see the guy with the knife hesitating to speak. "Crap, man, I'm sorry. It was my first roundup."

"After you're done here, go back to your point and count the shells." The guy with the notebook hooded his eyes with a bored expression. "Kaylee won't be gathering them until tomorrow."

"Hey!" Bob yelled but it was muffled. "Let me talk to you."

The guy ignored him and pointed at the tied up guys. "Four from A, four from D?" The other guys muttered yes and he continued writing in his notebook.

"Hey, let me talk to you for a minute. Let me talk to you for a minute." Bob said again.

"What?" The guy annoyingly removed Bob's gag.

"Don't do this. We can fix this."

"No, you can't." The guy stated and tried putting the gag back on but Bob continued speaking. "We told you there's a way out of all this. You just have to take a chance. We have a man who knows how to stop it." Bob said but the guy ignored him and continued writing. "He has a cure. We gotta take him to Washington. You don't have to do this, man. We can put the world back to how it was."

"Cant go back, Bob." The guy said and placed the gag back. He then crouched in front of Rick, letting the metal stay between them. He sighed and removed Ricks gag. "We saw you going into the woods with a bag. There was also a girl with you. Dark hair, green eyes, nasty scar running down her eye. Probably dead, she was wounded, right? Anyway, what was in the bag?"

Rick only stared at the man with an empty expression. "You hid it, right? In case things went bad? Smart. Still, we'll find it. But it's too dangerous to go out there right now." The man grabbed the back of Bob's neck and pulled him over the metal contraption. "What was in it?" He asked again but now with a knife resting beside Bobs face. "I'm curious. And it was a big bag." Rick confined staring. "You're really gonna let me do this?"

Rick tilted his head slightly to the right. "Let me take you out there. I'll show you."

The guy smiled, "not gonna happen. This might." He leaned Bob's head closer to the point of the knife. "There's guns in it." Rick immediately stated. "AK-47. .44 magnum. Automatic weapons. Nughtscope. There's a compound bow and a...machete with a red handle. That's what I'm gonna use to kill you." Rick snarled lowly and glared harshly at the guy.

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