chapter 1

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This is my first fanfiction so if its a cringe don't be surprised also this story is 18+  I will try and upload a new chapter each week there might be only 27 chapterd  this is a fanfiction of Namjoon and a bit of Yoongi  but hope you enjoy! comment whatever is on your mind

 *RING RING RING RING* I heard as I woke up to begin the day   "Aww man its morning already " "Hurry up and get ready " "yes Mom " I replied 

I got up to put on my school uniform  brush my teeth do my hair  put on my shoes  and eat breakfast "Mom I'm heading out now "  "Ok make sure to do well in school Y/N"  "yes mom"  

" Hey" I heard as I rode my bike to school  I turned around to see my friend Yoongi " Hey" I replied I slowed down so that he could catch up to me . 

"How have you been "he asked  "I'm good you" "I'm good. . . anyway I want you to meet some friends" I wasn't so sure but I agreed anyway . 

when we arrived at school he told be to follow him . When we got to where he wanted to take me  I saw Six  boys standing there talking about something then yoongi interrupted my thoughts.

" Hey guys " he said with a big smile on his face "Hey" they replied back to Yoongi . "Umm I guess you are Y/N the girl yoongi was talking about  one of the boys said "Umm yes that's me  hehe" you replied with a nervous chuckle . 

We talked to each other and I got to know them better Then RING RING the school bell was ringing so I headed to class .

[The end of school] ...

As I headed back riding my bike to my house I noticed that I had forgotten my phone so I turned around in frustration and fell down "owww" I screamed . As I looked at the big scrape I had done to my knee I heard a familiar voice when I looked up I saw one of the boys that Yoongi had introduce to me

 "Hey are you ok" I heard  " Yes I'm okay" "Oh ok I'm namjoon by the way " "oh hi namjoon" I got up and tried to get the dirt that got on me off . "well I got to go" I said  forgetting about my phone and heading home. 

When I got home I slapped my forehead remembering about my phone "Noo how could I forget about my phone " My mom came in " why are you screaming you scared the heck out of me!!"she said sarcastically "mom I forgot my phone .."

Then a big knock at the front door was herd my mom went to go open it as I peeked through my door I saw yoongi handing my mom the phone that I had forgotten  I got out and said thank you too yoongi then he left . It was getting late so I took a shower and headed to bed .

Suga/Yoongi's POV

As I laid in bed thinking if one of the boys I had introduced to Y/N in school have liked her but I'm not going to let that happened cause I have a big crush on her ... thinking of her made me feel butterflies in my stomach but I didn't want to ruin our friendship  "Well i gues i should sleep now" I said to myself in a wispering voice 

[The next morning]

"Yoongi wake up its time for you t go to school" "Noo five more minutes " I'm not going to tell you again " ugh fine" I rub my eyes to clear the vision and do my morning routine .

As I'm walking out the front door I see Y/N her cute smile made my day . I quickly but normal go towards Y/N and say Hi "Hey thankyou for bringing my phone yesterday I fell down  on my . . ." "What'' I said interrupting her " where did you fall did it hurt!" "Umm I did hurt but not much" "oh ok hehe" I'm so stupid what did I just do "Well we should head to school"  i said changing the topic.

[To be continued]

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