The second practice battle

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Anne and Lauren stood there, staring at each other.  Somewhere in there, Lauren can feel something itching at the back of her mind as she stared at the older girl's eyes.

Finally, Lauren decided to break the silence..

"How come? i-i mean they said the last dog master was the legend, how come they did not know you are a dog master too?" She said as she took a couple of nervous glances at the dogs who are currently looking at Anne like they longed for some master.

Anne looked at her blankly before speaking.  

"Simply. Because they never got the chance to see this. You are the only one who knows. So i'll have to deal with you if someone knew about this. Understand?"

Lauren nodded but decided to speak as she decided to shiver.  

"But could you please make this dog go away? It's kinda disturbing a-and kinda...scary i guess?" Lauren said as she cast a nervous smile.

Anne can't help but to chuckle as she commanded the dogs to go away which they gladly obeyed.

She looked at Lauren and told her to come closer. Lauren did.  Anne went to her and went closer to Lauren's ear.

Then said some words that made Lauren produce some goosebumps all over her body.

"I'm not the only dog master. Come here the day after tomorrow at 5."

And with that, Anne went away.


"Oh man, today will be a blast!! We will have the chance to use our powers to defeat our guradians! Isn't that fantastic?" Ian exclaimed as the four of them, Luke,Ian,Lauren and Dani , gathered around the cafeteria and started to make their way towards the venue of their practice battle.

They had reached the venue and had gathered around side by side against their guardians. The pile on the left was the detainees and the pile on the right was the Guardians. 

Dani glanced nervously at the pile of guardians before nudging Lauren on the ribs.

"oww why?" Lauren hissed.

"Did you see Anne? She's not here and the battle was about to start!" Dani said nervously.

"Really? She's there! Look! She's just coming." LAuren said pointing at the left side of the group of guardians and sure enough, Anne was there as she went beside Luke.

Dani sighed in relief just as their boss spoke on the microphone.

"Today will be a different style of practice, since we are done of praticing your strength, we will try to use your powers against your guardians and the guardians, themselves could use their powers on you too. Now let us begin. " He said as he stepped outside the platform letting the first detainee and guardian to do  the battle. Grass, soil, magnets, wires and anything that has to do with their powers are there.

As usual, the detainees always lost the fight and gets injured while the Guardians only got scratches and some little wounds but as always, they don't get serious injuries. Lauren got a broken arms since she got hit by tons of  big steel because of Luke's magnetic power. Ian on the other hand got a cut on the side of his head and his ear as his guardian , named Ford with the power to produce wire's on his hand and to manipulate it.

"Next, Dani Cimorelli and Anne"  The Announcer said. Everyone goes silent.

They will be the last detainee and guardian to fight. As the last practice battle with their guardians, Dani had a serious spine injury after they fought so everyone are nervous for the result of their fight today.

"Goodluck Dani." Dani heard Lauren said as she stepped towards the platform. 

Dani reached  the platform on the same time Anne did.  

She did not move but waited for her guardians move. Anne, using her mind reading power knew what she was thinking so she did the first move. Her eyes changed into color of red.

Anne threw a fire ball at Dani  which the younger girl easily dodged using her running power as she managed to get behind Anne and put her two arms on Anne's neck as Dani strangled her. BUt Anne, being Anne did not let that last for long as she grabbed Dani's neck from behind and did a somersault in the air as she was now strangling Dani with her arms.

Dani struggled to escaped from Anne's arms as Anne pressed her arms together tighter but Dani managed to escaped from it only to get a kick in her upper right thigh causing her to fall into the floor.

Finding the strength to run, she ran at the other side of the platform as she grabbed a piece of metal and run near Anne and pierced it into her skin and ran back to the other side of the platform in just a matter of seconds.

Gasps erupted as  they all saw the long line of blood that started to occur on Anne's arms as a result of Dani's piercing of the metal on Anne's skin. Dani's eyes widened too as she saw what she have done. She started to get worried but Anne did not even flinched or paid any attention to the big bruise as small smile formed on the side of her lips.

She started to walk closer to Dani. The Big bruise started healing slowly causing another explosion of gasps.

Due to the shock, Dani did not got the chance of  backing and running away as Anne approached her. Anne smirked and trapped her with ice blocks. Then swinging her hands, she freezed Dani's feet with thick ice.  Everyone gone silent again.

Anne died down the ice blocks as she stood near Dani. Dani tried to punch Anne but she found out that her hands were frozen too.

Anne smirked. "You need more practice" she stated as she gave a mighty kick on both Dani's two hinged legs as she fell to the floor making her bones crack on the impact.

She ended up on the other side of the platform as she closed her eyes, knocked out.

Anne looked at her , to Ian then walked away. Leaving them in silence.




sadly, the other bands are still not here coz im evil and oops i meant coz i have other plans for them :D




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