9: A Laugh At The Mansion

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Na'im stayed still as he watched the way she cried and he was so right about taking her to see a doctor. She seemed suddenly terrified and it seemed like she was in too much agony to control her tears. He decided to back off, maybe it was that proximity with him that she hated. He took few steps away from her and before he spoke, there was a quick knock on the door and he thought maybe Hafiz had seen something he wanted him to know. He walked to the door while Maryam rushed back into the room and she slumped on the bed as she cried as hardly as she could.

"What's it?" He asked when he saw Hafiz squeezing into the living room and from his expression, Na'im knew that there was bad news lingering somewhere in his mind.

"I just saw Captain Bolori, and he asked me what I was doing there and I told him one of my Uncles visited and I came to see him. He said he had a report to submit to our team, he can't see you here, Na'im! He went to get the report from his car," Hafiz turned around the living and when he didn't see her, he knew she was back in the room, "I knew it was a bad idea staying in this hotel, he is a regular here. Even if you didn't run on him, someone might tell him his brother had booked a suite for a girl and you so well know that will peak his curiosity."

Na'im palmed his forehead, why was it that it was always Sadeeq that proved to be his greatest problem in life? But he was so determined in guarding this with his life, in keeping her a secret for the rest of his life and he would do that. "What do you suggest that I do?"

"It's obvious, hide into the room and lock the door until I call you..." Hafiz didn't even close his mouth when they heard a knock and his voice came over.

"Lieutenant Hafiz, are you in there?" Hafiz turned to Na'im with a terrified look before he practically pushed Na'im into the door and pulled it close. Na'im set the lock and heard when he stammered as he said, 'Yes, Sir!' He turned the TV on before he went to the door and unlocked it.

As he turned, he stared at the way she was crying on the bed that she didn't seem to even know he was in the room. Na'im didn't want to be angry with her, yet whenever he saw her crying the way she did now, he couldn't help himself but be. Yet, today he wanted to be a bit human, to understand that she was just a girl whom had lost practically all that she had in her world and in such a gruesome way ever imagined, so she ought to cry.

He sat down on the bed and slowly tapped the space beside her, she flinched at that and rushed to the far corner of the bed away from him. What was she afraid of this badly? He knew that he had given her enough reasons to be afraid of him but this wasn't how she acted before. And he was certain if something had happened to her this wouldn't be the way he would find her, he might even not find her if she weren't at all safe. Whatever it was, it was connected to him.

"What are you afraid of? Why are you crying so hard, uhm?" He tried to use his soft voice on her, even though soft would be the last thing his tone would be referred to as. But his eyes were sincere when he asked her the question and she didn't even look his way for him to have in mind that she might understand him.

He stood up and walked to the edge she was, and he saw how she nearly got suffocated before he shifted away from her. Okay, he was angry and right now if it weren't for Sadeeq that was in the living room, nothing would've stopped him from yelling as high as he wanted at her. "What the hell are you playing at?" No answer, but he didn't expect one when he asked and so he continued through gritted teeth. She might not answer him, hell, she might not even focus enough to understand what he meant, but he was going to speak and the tone of his voice would send her the signal of his answer.

"Look, I'm in no way interested in playing hide and seek with your nor am I interested in playing whatever game you're so determined in playing." He stood up and pointed at her then to her clothes at the other end of the room, "Get up and pack everything that belongs to you," the authoritative tone he had used forced her to look up at him and the anger she saw evident on his face made her trembled even more. "Get up, now!" She nearly stumbled at the pace she got up to do what he had said, and he watched the way her hands were trembling while she folded the clothes and placed them in the nylon he had brought for her. He thought about how she obviously needed clothes and wondered who would help him do that. If only he had a baby sister...it seemed as though his brain had went into a seizure and there seemed to be a loud screeching sound in the empty space of his head. It was deafening enough to have him slumped back on the bed as he held his head in both hands, the sound getting louder.

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