Gabe's face reddened with embarrassment. "I believed that you might be our best chance at recovering the blade for Bryce, and bringing an end to Circé's business."

"Of course!" Cecil proclaimed, gesturing ahead with his cane as he lengthened his stride. "Better late than never, I always say. Even if no one else trusts you after this, I understand you well enough. In fact, you should come with us when we leave! We could use a man like you on our journey."

Gabe shook his head. "I can't handle being away from the draining linden trees for too long, so that's not going to work for me. Besides, I promised Kaya I would help see things through to the end here."

Cecil shrugged, shaking his head in disappointment. "Ah well, don't beat yourself up. I've known far too many men who wasted away to nothing over regrets and self-loathing."

Bryce sat toward the back of the feasting hall, watching the celebration with a sense of peace. It felt strange to not be the center of attention after such a monumental showdown, especially with his satisfaction at the results. Rhea and her team were declared the victors, and so the celebration was in their honor, not his.

The events following the tournament had passed like a blur, and now it was already the day of the feast. Nobody had seen Chad since the tournament, but word was he was still recovering from his injuries. Bryce was fine with this, since he wasn't keen on bumping into him after what happened during the tournament. Best not to provoke him, Bryce figured.

Circé herself was another matter; she had a mastery for maintaining her composure, despite the financial loss she had suffered. Rhea had won the freedom of every participant, and had immediately burned the contracts binding them to her. The wristbands that had deterred them from escaping were removed, and they had become no more than guests at the circus once more. Circé had honored the tournament rules down to the letter, all with that same smile that hid the venom within.

The only problem was James Garland; Shyla had been freed immediately along with the rest, but James's freedom was forfeited because of what happened to Tavros. He was also being kept in a secret facility, different from the low-security building Shyla had been held in. Circé no doubt would have honored her deal with Bryce and freed him as well, had Bryce only followed through with his end of the bargain. But with Rhea the victor, and with Chad still alive, the deal was no longer on the table.

But still, he had to admire the air of genuine excitement she radiated as she hosted the celebration feast. She even served coffee made from the beans they had used to pay for entry into the fairgrounds, something that astounded the guests. Many of the people present had never tasted coffee before, and even Rhea seemed impressed by the display of opulence.

The dignitaries and businessmen who were attending the feast seemed less enthusiastic about the outcome than Circé was. The glares they shot at Rhea's table were dangerous, and Bryce had no doubt that many of them had lost a great deal of their own money on the outcome of the tournament. If it wasn't for Circé's control, things might have gotten ugly today.

As the ceremonies and speeches wrapped up, Gabe slipped away from his seat and headed over to Bryce. Even as part of the winning team, nobody paid any attention to him, which Bryce was beginning to see as a blessing rather than a curse.

"The plan's good to go," Gabe said, keeping his voice low so only Bryce could hear. "Thirty minutes to showdown."

Bryce nodded without looking at him. "Thanks again, Gabe; I'll be sure not to waste this opportunity."

Gabe walked past him and left the hall without another word, completely unnoticed by the party-goers. Bryce looked around the room, spotting each of his companions where they waited at their posts for his signal.

Eight of Hearts: The Vision - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now