Chapter 35

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Tobias didn't raise his head as Shyla and Flora joined him against the wall in the small hidden room James had led him to. James had wandered away the moment they had returned, but Jonas stayed with him, watching him like a hawk.


Tobias flinched, guilt wringing his heart at the sound of Flora speaking his name.

"Tobias, I was so worried about you!" Flora said as she pulled away from Shyla and leaned against the wall beside him. "I...Lyric told me what she did to you. I'm sorry I attacked you like I did; I didn't realize..."

Tobias turned to her in disbelief as she trailed off. "You're sorry? I nearly killed you!" Tobias shivered, and looked away. "You shouldn't apologize for trying to protect your friends." James would have done the same, he almost added.

Now that the thought had crossed his mind, it frightened him. James had always protected them from danger in the past, but what would happen if he was the danger? If Tobias turned into the monster again, James would be forced to fight him to protect the others. And if Tobias killed, he didn't think there was anything he could do to earn James's forgiveness back. It had been too close with Flora this time. Who was to say it wouldn't happen again? Even as he had promised Jonas it was a one-time event, his blood had roiled with the power contained within, eager to resurface.

But Flora failed to see the danger, and only smiled softly at him. "Thank you," she said, before turning her gaze at her own hands.

"I have something to say about that," Jonas spoke up when they fell silent.

Tobias turned with Flora and Shyla to face him where he stood watching, arms folded in front of him.

"Flora, as much as I would like to admire your bravery, I can't; you nearly got yourself killed without accomplishing anything." Jonas's words were stern, his brow furrowed with barely contained anger.

Flora lowered her head as she muttered: "I was trying to save Bryce."

"Do you really think you are strong enough to protect Bryce?" Jonas continued, making the girl flinch. "He has his implant to protect him, on top of his athletic ability. You have nothing."

"She has magic," Shyla cut in. "She can create water imbued with raw mana."

Jonas raised an eyebrow at her. "And look how weak that little bit of power made her; she can barely stand. We don't need a glorified canteen, Shyla; we need people who can protect themselves at the very least."

Even Shyla fell silent at this. Tobias had already received his own lecture from Jonas, so he made himself as small as possible as Flora got hers.

"You are very fortunate the fall didn't kill you. You are very stupid for trying to investigate the lowest level on your own. What if Shyla had gotten killed trying to rescue you? You are not a fighter, Flora; you are a sweet and kind girl, and those are wonderful traits. But I cannot allow you to endanger everyone else with your weakness."

Tobias wanted very much to be somewhere else right then, but he knew Jonas would not let him out of his sight.

"If you had some way to defend yourself, I would be satisfied. But as it stands, you are a burden and a liability. If you really want to help us out, you will stay behind with Peter Thompson and his crew when we leave."

Tobias finally looked at Jonas in shock, but the dark eyes that he saw were humorless; Jonas meant what he said. "Wait a minute," Tobias stammered, "you aren't suggesting we just abandon her to--"

"Abandon her to what?" Jonas asked, his attention snapping to Tobias. "Even if Lyric claims this place as her own, James will be sure the Lost are sent somewhere safe. If Flora goes with them, she will be guaranteed a better future than what we might face."

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