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Guys, I only have a few minutes left of using my phone, so I'm gonna make this quick. (many abbreviations ahead XD)

I'm really on hiatus. I just begged my mom to use my phone and kept saying 'WAIT TT^TT' whenever she wanted to take it back. So i hope you wont hate me and say im an attention whore for being on fake hiatus or sth.

And srsly, even tho idk you guys irl, you guys are srsly really nice friends. I can relate to you guys, joke around with you guys, etc. In reality, I don't have much close friends, and ones that i can be with at school.

my best friend, s_sithyna, isn't in the same class as i am, which is hard for me.

i only have like 3 other friends to stay with, so wattpad really helped me get to meet a lot of new, amazing and lovely ppl.

i srsly love you all so much, and you have no idea how much you guys mean to me.

like yeochingu, whom i've gotten really close with in a really short amount of time. and Raeyeon, who i can secretly gossip and make jokes with XD and keziaaw, who i can intensely fangirl with (along wih yeochingu)

this has gotten really long lol. im a fast typer.

<3 u all.

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