Does everyone in this village think that Shikadai and I are in love with each other?!

The young girl ran her fingers over her curly hair and let out a small sigh. »You don't know if Shikadai is actually in love with me. Liking someone and being in love with someone are two different things.«

Tentō frowned and tilted his head. »Why are you so in denial? It's so obvious that he's in love with you.«

»I'm not in denial!« She defended herself as she looked down at her freshly manicured nails.. »I-I just don't want to get my hopes up. What if he realizes that being with me is way too troublesome?«

»I think he already knows how troublesome you can be but he still decided to be with you. Trust me, Shikadai wouldn't date a girl if he wasn't in love with her.«

It broke Asuka's heart to lie to her little brother. She knew that Tentō had built up a good friendship with Shikadai over the years which kinda was ironic because he didn't really like Shikadai when they first met. It took Tentō six months after his first meeting with Shikadai to finally confess to Asuka that he had been jealous of the Nara boy because he didn't like how close Asuka and Shikadai were.

However, that changed pretty quickly when the two started to find more things they had in common - most of them were related to either Extreme: Shinobi Picture Scrolls or video games.

»Don't call me troublesome. You sound just like him.« Asuka complained as she picked up a pillow from the couch and threw it in Tentō's direction.

Of course Tentō caught the pillow before it could hit his face. »What? You don't have a problem when Shikadai-niisan is using it.«

Asuka rolled her eyes in annoyance. »It's because he and the rest of the Nara clan practically own that word. I would be worried if he suddenly stopped using that word.«

»That's true.« Tentō chuckled before his expression turned a little bit more serious. »So ... are you going to tell father about Shikadai-niisan?«

The elder sibling let out a small sigh. »He already knows. Actually, he's on his way to Konoha right now to talk about my relationship with Shikadai.«

»You told him before me?!« He gasped in shock and Asuka shook her head.

»Of course I didn't tell him! Ebizo told him after I yelled at him for convincing our father to get an arranged marriage for me.«

»Wait! Hold on a second! You're getting married?! To Shikadai?!«

»No! I'm not getting married!« She clarified, making Tentō sigh in relief. »Why would I marry Shikadai if we just started dating?«

»Well, technically you two have been dating since you were fifteen but you just didn't realize it.« Tentō pointed out as he earned a furious glare from his sister.

Asuka decided to just ignore her little brother's comment when she told him about the whole arranged marriage story and how Ebizo tried to set her up with his nephew which was why Shikadai and her had been arguing in the hallway before Tentō had interrupted them.

Of course she left the part where the whole relationship was just fake.

He really didn't need to know that.

»Do you think father is going to make you break up with Shikadai-niisan?« Tentō asked with a worried look on his face.

Asuka rested her head on her hand before she let out a small sigh. »I honestly don't know. He probably thinks that Shikadai isn't the right guy for me because he doesn't have the same social status than I do.«

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2022 ⏰

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