Chapter 7: A Plan

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Fast forward to the next day, we find out that Inez had been arrested for robbery while the cartoon summoning kept multiplying by the hundreds.

Joseph entered Mariel's room to wake her up and inform her of what happened. "Mariel... Wake up...." Joseph whispered gently shaking his girlfriend by the shoulder. Mariel woke up slowly as her eyes slowly opened. "What is it, Joseph..." She mumbled. Joseph began to explained the events of what had happened during the night, leaving Mariel floored. "And on top of that, another fucking Home Movies kid crashed into Inez's room prior to her arrest. 

"What if that's the same kid that was on the news?" Mariel said rubbing her eyes before the kid barged in. "Good morning, whoever you guys are. As you know, your friend was arrested for robbery. And that she could have possibly been framed by someone else. But when the cops took her away, I found this laying on the floor." The kid said holding up the USB drive. Mariel grabbed the drive, "What if this is a key to bring these characters back to their universes?!" Mariel exclaimed showing Joseph the drive. "Now, I am willing to help you, but for a price...." The kid proposed. Joseph crossed his arms and told this youngun to spill the beans. 

The kid began to explain that his name was Shannon and came from the same universe as Brendon and Paula, explaining the similar art styles. He went on to say that yes, he was the same kid that robbed the bank but had no intention to frame Inez, despite being what he called "The Criminal Element." Mariel and Joseph took this information in for a few minutes. "Now, I'll help you if you're able to give me the 10K via check or cash so I can take it back to my universe." Shannon said. "And what do you even plan on doing with all this money?" Mariel asked curiously. Shannon thought for a second, he hadn't thought of what he planned on doing with the money yet. "I haven't really thought about it, but that'll be something to think about during this mission. Now round up the other people in this dump of a household, we need to compose a plan." He said pounding his fist in his hand. 

Within 10 minutes, every cartoon character teleported out of universe had piled into Mariel's bedroom. "Now as you all know, my friend Inez was wrongly arrested for robbery. But the REAL robber came to us to help come up with a plan to get Inez back, and get all of you to head back to your universe." Mariel said as Shannon stepped on a footstool. "Thank you all for coming." he began. "I was the one who robbed that bank. But I had no intention of framing Inez, all I was planning was to take a big bag of money back to mine, Brendon, and Mrs. Small's universe. But good for you all to know is that I'll be helping you get back home and get Inez out of prison. Are you in....or are you out?" He said in a grim tone of voice. The others then cheered that they were in and willing to keep quiet about the truth, despite being tempted to report the child to the authorities. 

The rest of the day was spent working on helping Shannon plan out an elaborate scheme to get Inez out of prison and to get the money to take home. Hours passed before the plans were finally finished, and the other fictional characters were fast asleep due to it being almost midnight. "I was gonna order a pizza for us all, but I guess it can wait until tomorrow." Mariel said before she and Shannon exchanged a fist bump. "Let's get some rest, tomorrow will be the day we strike." Shannon said hopping off the footstool and heading to the guest room. Mariel simply smiled at how intelligent this child was. " I get to sleep before I have a bad overload." She shrugged before crawling into her bed. 

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