Part 19

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Vivian pov

"psst, Viv. Wake uuuupp where almost thereeee. " I felt someone showing my shoulder. I slowly opened my eyes. "Good midday sleepyhead" Sofia giggled. "Yeah, we literately blasted music and you stil didn't wake up" Lizzie laughed.  I chuckled. "Well...I did have a pretty good sleep." "of course you had" Amber smirked while Lizzie and Sof chuckled."Amber?" I looked at Amber who was still peacefully driving.

"Show her Sof" Amber gave Sofia a nod. Sofia smirked and said in a sleepy voice. "Jaaaammeesss." Lizzie continued "Of courseeee...Jamesssss." By now I was tomato red. "Fine I had a dream about James...and then?" "And then? We want to know what you where doing with our brother." Amber questioned. 

I was aout to answer when- "Where there!"

Sofia pov

While Amber and Vivian continued to talk about Vivian's dream. I talked with Lizzie.

"Vivian really seems to like James doesn't she?.." Lizzie said playing with her bracelet, she wears it a lot..Well so I think, I only know her for a few days. 

Lizzie's charm bracelet 

Lizzie's charm bracelet 

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"Yeah I'm happy she found someone" I smiled knowing James liked her too he told me once, me and Amber no one else just us. "Yeah.." "Where here!" She said out of the bleu. "We are!" Amber parked in front of the hotel.

~5 minutes later 

"Hi! Were here to check in, Princesses Amber of Enchantia" Amber smiled at the receptionist. "Aahh, Princess Amber how pleasend let me introduce you to Maximus he will help you with all of your questions." A guy walked towards us he was pretty tall I would guess a head taller then Lizzie.


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"Hey I'm Max, let me show you guys your room" He smiled and walked towards a stair. "Wow this hotel really is beautiful." I looked around the floor was a grey marmer and the sides of the stairs ( fake ) Gold. the stairs itself had a kind of red carpet. "Yeah it is" Amber replied. 

"Well this s your room enjoy and if you need any help just tell me" Max closed the door."Aaahh this bed is like a cloud." Vivian plodded down on the bed and sighed."Well believe it or not its pretty late already, we should think about dinner." Amber scrolled down her phone finding out what to eat."Well I'm exhausted can't we just order Mc delivery or something." I put my suitcase down and plopped on a couch." 

"That's fine with me." Lizzie agreed. "Same here!" Vivian replied still  laying on the bed. "Okay well, Mc it is." 

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