"Try and kill me, Izana," Mikey said, not showing any fear. "You'll be satisfied, right?"

"Don't test him, Mikey!" Draken shouted. "He's not playing around!"

"What's wrong, Izana?!" Mikey screamed. "Do it! Kill me!!"

Good news is that Kakucho stopped his king which startled everyone. This started an argument between Izana and him.

"We lost," Kakucho announced.

Izana obviously got mad at his servant for declaring the results of the fight. Veins popping out on his forehead as his anger grows. The most loyal person to him is now going against him.

"Kill him."

"I will gladly die for you, Izana." Kakucho stated. "So please stop showing yourself like this. I don't like seeing you in such a horrible stated."

"Executives," Izana's voice was filled with authority as he called out his subordinates. "Don't just stand there and watch. Hurry up and kill Kakucho!!"

"Izana!" Kakucho stood on his ground. He placed his hands on Izana's shoulder and shook him to wake him up. "Tenjiku lost, Izana!"

Tears filled Kakucho's eyes as he tried to convince Izana to admit defeat. Izana on the other hand still think that he has a shot against Mikey. He told his servant not to intervene with him but Kakucho didn't listen.

"SHUT UP!" Izana screamed but soon stopped as blood touched his face.

Apparently, Kisaki obeyed his orders and attempted to murder Kakucho. He was furious about Takemichi ruining his plan once again. Of course, that wasn't enough to take Kakucho out. He even charged towards Kisaki.

"Die," said Kisaki, using his weapon to make sure that the servant will die but Izana unexpectedly shielded him.

You didn't know how, but your body moved on it's own when you saw what Kisaki did. Running as fast as you can, it almost seemed that you weren't injured at all, you landed a perfect kick on Kisaki's face. Thankfully, he dropped the weapon. Only two shots were successful.

The sound of the weapon and Izana's body hitting the floor were heard at the same time. Kakucho approached his king, asking why he did that. Izana didn't mind the pain, thinking what he felt from the past years was way more painful than the physical pain he's feeling right now. He explained his reason and talked to Mikey as well.

After speaking, Mikey commanded everyone to leave the place, announcing that the police and ambulance are on their way. Meanwhile, Hanma was successful to rescue Kisaki and got away. Takemichi and Draken immediately followed them.

Everyone went away as Mikey crouched down, getting to close to Izana's barely breathing body. Although sadness could not be found on Mikey's expression, his eyes screamed how pained he is.

"(Y/N)!!" Yumeri shouted, making you turn your head back to look at her. She was holding your bag of first aid while walking pitiful towards the men left. "Don't forget about your job."

Your body immediately walked towards them. Yumeri was right, there is still time. You can still rescue both of them. Y'all can still make it out alive.

"The ambulances are coming. We just need to stop the bleeding," Yumeri gave you a large amount of gauze. "Put extreme pressure."

You did whatever you can, locking eyes with Izana. Somehow, you felt extreme pain on your chest as if you were feeling all of his suffering. His eyes alone told you how hard it is to live. It seemed like he wanted you to let go.

"Would he survive?" Mikey's voice was now hinted with worry. He was looking at Yumeri, determined for a good answer.

"Trust him, Mikey," Yumeri responded. "He's strong. He's gonna make it—"

"He lost his pulse," you stated, terror present in your orbs.

Dead silence filled the atmosphere for two seconds which seemed so long for you. This is what you've been telling Yumeri. She wouldn't listen and now, someone's dying on you.

Suddenly, it snowed. Kakucho held his master's hand dearly, smiling and accepting their deaths.

"Come on, Mikey. Help her," Yumeri commanded. "Keep the pressure on, while she does CPR."

"What?!" You were nervous. You were shaking with your hands cold and covered with blood. "I can't do it!"

"I can hear the sirens! It's just a matter of time! Come on! Do it now!"  Yumeri had a broken arm so she can't perform the cpr.

You obeyed her, having your official first 'patient' that you were in charge of. Typically, you were only there to help Yumeri and now you have to perform this. On an important person! If you ever fail, you will never forgive yourself.

"One thousand one, one thousand two, One thousand three—"

"Pump harder!"

"One thousand four, one thousand five..." you gave all of your remaining strength to revive him.

The next thing you knew is him getting taken by the doctors. You passed out after that and was taken to the hospital as well.

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