Writer's note

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Sorry I haven't been writing lately, I've had heaps of assignments and tests!!!! Our teachers don't get that we have lives.

If you have any jokes that you want me to include comment or send me a message with your joke and I will put it in the book, or I will try to!!

And lastly thank you to all of you nice people who, unlike me, have the physical energy to read my book. I hit 700 READS JUST TODAY AND I AM IN HYSTERICS!!!! Considering I am just a teenage girl sitting at home pretending to be funny. So thank you so much everyone as you just made my day so much better!!!!!!!!

I will update soon and I hope you guys have a great Easter, if it's Easter where you live?? And if it isn't i feel sorry for your poor stomach that does not get the yummy taste of chocolate. And I'm also sorry for all you people who are not allowed milk chocolate, don't worry I'm with you all the way cause I can't have it either but cocoa chocolate is just as good.

Anyway thanks, happy Easter and I will update soon!!

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