Butterflies and science fairs pt. 2

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Part 2 is here!
Tw: slight swearing
Request by: VarianWolf


"These wires are definitely cut through." Eugene said holding the wires in his hand. "Someone really did sabotage him.

"But who would do such a thing?" Cassandra asked.

"Ha Lila!" Marinette huffed as she came walking back over to the group.

"Have you found Varian?" Lance asked.

Marinette shook her head. "No but, the girls and Adrien are still looking for him.

"Lila you say? That's the volcano girl right? The one with the huge forehead." Eugene asked.

Marinette giggled at his remark. "Yes that's her."

"Why do you think she did it?" Cassandra said seriously.

"She's Lila. She would do anything to get what she wants." Marinette shrugged.

"We need proof though." Lance said. "We can't accuse her without any proof."

"Right..." Marinette said. Even though she was convinced it was Lila. She looked around and then pointed up at a camera. "Can't we check security cameras or anything?" she suggested.

"Good idea, follow me!" Eugene said.

"Wait you know where the monitoring station is?" Marinette asked.

"Believe me in all those years I went to this school, I've deleted a lot of footage of me and Lance doing things that could get us in trouble. So I'm basically an expert." Eugene smiled as he led the group towards the basement.


"I was supposed to win, I worked so hard for it, but that b-brat ruined it!" Varian sobbed into his knees as he was huddled against the tree. He failed to notice the black butterfly coming his way. Varian lifted his head to look at the element. It was only then when he heard the sound of wings flapping.

Before he could act the butterfly flew into the black element. "Black Rocker." A voice said. (Yup I took the tts fandom name 😅) "So no one appreciates your hard work and brilliant inventions? I'll help you win the contest of your life, but in return you must help me get something that belongs to me. Bring me the miraculous of Ladybug and Chat Noir and I will give you the power to control The Black Rocks and take revenge on that Lila girl, so you can proof that your a worthy winner!"

"Let's see whose the loser now!" Varian said as he stood up and let Hawkmoth's power take over him.

Suddenly someone gasped behind him.
"Varian? What happened to you?!" Rapunzel looked at him horrified.

He let out a laugh: "Ha I'm not Varian anymore. I'm Black Rocker and no one's going to stop me from claiming my victory!" He screamed as he extended his hand towards Rapunzel. Black rocks came spouting out off the ground in Rapunzels direction.

Rapunzel screamed and was send flying back by the impact. She groaned as she laid on the floor. Varian stood over her with a smirk on his face. "Now let's get my revenge."

He used the rocks to lift him up and he started jumping over to the school.

Rapunzel who laid dazed on the ground, gasped and watched him leave.

"Oh not again Varian." she whined. She lifted herself off the ground and started running toward the school.


Bluebell eyes // Marinette Dupain-Cheng x reader 𝙊𝙣𝙚𝙎𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨Where stories live. Discover now