Chapter 43

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The creature took a swipe at Kit, but its paw went straight through them. In the moment of confusion that followed, Cookie leapt out from the trees and took on a low, threatening stance, chittering angrily as she faced off against the creature.

As scary as Cookie looked, she was soft and defenseless. Fanner cringed at the thought of what that creature's claws could do to her vulnerable body.

"Stop it!" Kit shouted, and it took Fanner a moment to realise why it had sounded so odd. He had heard the words inside his head, not out loud. "They're not human. Stop."

"They look human," the creature growled.

"So do I, and you just put a paw through me, so maybe think on that one for a second."

"We're not!" Fanner insisted. He exchanged a look with Duran and, in unison, they threw up balls of magelight.

There was a pitter of paws and Yore came running up, still in wolf form. He took in the scene and then strode forward, putting himself between the creature and the mages.

As the creature's fury began to deflate, it started to seem a lot less monstrous. There was uncertainty, even worry, on its face. "Well... what are you then?"

"Mages," Fanner answered.

"I... oh," the creature said, its shoulders sagging. "I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

"I'll let you know when the adrenaline wears off," Duran grumbled.

Fanner moved closer as Yore started to shift. He didn't know what he'd do if anything actually threatened him, but it was a vulnerable moment so it only seemed right to protect him.

Once Yore was standing on two feet, Kit shot him a shrug. "Guess I didn't keep that promise about you not seeing me again for very long."

"I don't know what just happened here, but I'm guessing I should be grateful you didn't," Yore said. "What did happen here?"

"I heard there were humans and I wanted to kill some humans," the creature murmured. "But they weren't humans, I guess."

Cookie had lost interest in being threatening by now and was busying herself with picking berries by the fistful and shovelling them into her mouth.

"And now you're looking at him and you're thinking that he also now looks like a human," Kit said to the creature. "I'm revoking your human killing privileges, Harrison."

"How did you know my name?" the creature, Harrison, asked.

"I know a lot of things," Kit said. "I know you've done a very bad thing and sorry isn't going to be good enough."

"But..." Harrison objected. "Well, what do you want?"

"There are thousands of humans. Killing a few won't do anyone any good. The humans want to kill these mages. Your job is now to make sure that doesn't happen. That's helpful."

"Your protection on our way to the spire would be appreciated," Yore said. "I'm recovering from a serious injury, and my friends here aren't fighters. Besides, if you want to contribute to fighting back the humans, you're far better off joining in on an organised effort back at the spire."

"I don't know if I'm very good at being organised," Harrison said. "But I will go with you and kill any humans we see."

"No," Kit said. "You'll defend them from any humans, or anything else for that matter, that attacks them. Some of their friends are human, and they won't like it much if you kill them."

Harrison's furry face scrunched up. "Who has humans for friends?"

"You're smarter than this, you're just scared to be because it means changing the way you think. You say that shit out loud, but in your head you're thinking about your parents. About how they were created after two humans got into a fight with a bear and everyone lost. When you were little and they told you about all the memories they had of being human, it never crossed your mind to think that those humans that ultimately became a part of your parents had been evil."

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