Chapter 2

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After finishing the sausages, Cale looks around at all the other dishes in front of him. He then selects a salad made of fruits that he did not recognize. After filling his stomach with meat, soup and bread, he decided he wanted to try something new.

The first fruit he notices looks like an orange, but its color was much closer to that of grapes. Curiously, he puts the fruit in his mouth and takes a bite. Instantly, an extremely sweet juice fills his mouth. He really hated sour fruits so this flavor was a pleasant surprise for him.


At that moment, his red-brown eyes meet his father's browns. He gulped down the food in his mouth as he realized he had been watching him.


Deruth addresses his first born quietly. Hesitation evident in his frown. However, the redhead did not like the awkward atmosphere and started to speak.

"It's delicious."

"Yes, it tastes like trash- Huh? Did you just say it's delicious?"

"Yes, Father. Everything tastes wonderful."

Cale picks up a different fruit this time. It was a small red berry with small flecks of white on its surface. Another smile touches his lips as its sweetness oozes in his mouth. Since he was trash, he didn't have to worry about etiquette. Normally, one would not stuff their faces while the head of the house is speaking with them, but whatever. Trash is trash after all.

<It really is best to be the family's trash.>

Nobody really cared no matter what he did.

<As long as things go as planned, I can live a good life this time around.>

Just like Cale expected, nobody criticized his lack of manners. In fact, his father had a smile on his face.

<Huh? Why's he smiling?>

"It really is delicious. It is nice to see you enjoying food so much."

If he didn't know any better, he would believe his father actually cared about him. However, if that was the case, he would've tried to fix Cale's personality by now. Not that it matters now as he was not the original Cale Henituse. He didn't have the same bonds with these people. He may have the emotions and memories of the original, but it is definitely different.

"Please make sure you eat a lot as well, Father."

"Ho-" Basen gasps again in disbelief.

Having heard him this time, Cale turns his attention back to the dishes set upon the long table. His fifteen years old brother was quite difficult for him to handle. He was smart, sincere and very responsible. The perfect successor. Which was why the family was pushing for him to be the next head of the household. Kim Rok Soo agreed with this sentiment even after becoming Cale.

<Rather than having a complicated life, I'd rather use my position as the Count's older brother to live peacefully in a section of the territory. It is better for a human to lead the humans after all.>

This was the reason the brothers did not fight. Even though he could hear Basen's gasp and knew that his brother was looking down on him. It's not like he needed to do anything about it. He was trash. Furthermore, even if Basen becomes the head of the household, he would probably not kill Cale. His personality wasn't one to hurt others unless it was to protect others.

<I'll just move to a small village to avoid getting on his nerves. If that's not possible, I'll just make some money beforehand and disappear.>

Two Stars Collide - A TCF/LCF FanfictionМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя