Chapter 1: Friction

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September 8th, 2025
12:09 AM

You grunted, driving your machete through a walker's head and drawing it out twice as quickly before kicking the walker to the ground.

The cabin you had your eyes set on was now just a few meters away from you, but a group of the undead was blocking the entrance.

You groaned, grabbing at the gun strapped to your waist along with a small suppressor and twisted it onto the muzzle of the firearm. One by one, the walkers fell to the ground with the more steps you took toward the cabin.

You peeked through a shattered window, the inside of the small house being pitch black, and your hand ghosted over the door handle right as you heard faint grumbling coming from the ground. Taking your gun out once more, you fired a single bullet at the walker reaching out to grab your ankle and made your way inside.

The place was definitely deserted, having almost nothing inside that could call it a cabin aside from an old mildewed mattress laid out on the floor and a wardrobe closet off to the side of a window.

For some reason, looking at the closet made your stomach growl loudly, and it also made you huff.

"What're the chances of finding food in here?" You began talking to yourself, walking towards the closet. "Slimmed to none, I bet..."

You swung open the closet door, using a flashlight to look inside, and your eyes widened a moment later.

The closet was completely stocked with bottled water and jarred fruit preserves - you thought you had stumbled upon a goldmine.

"I'll be damned..." You snickered, picking up a jar.

"Well, that's not yours now, is it?"

Before you could comprehend the other voice you heard, you felt the barrel of a revolver being pushed against the back of your skull, which made you place the jar back in its original place and lift your hands up in a defensive manner.

"L-Look..." You stuttered. "I don't want no trouble, alright?"

"Why don't you turn around and tell me that?"

You pivoted on your heels to face your assailant, who looked to be a brown-haired boy, the tips of his hair falling just above his eyes.

He had to be around the same age as you, maybe a bit younger, but the sharp look in his eyes gave off an aura that you couldn't quite recognize.

He scans over your body, letting out a soft hum. "You don't look like the type to be out here by yourself. Where's your group?"

"I...don't have one anymore..." You answered as calmly as you could.

"Like I'll ever believe that shit." The boy snorted, pressing the gun further into your forehead. "Don't fuck with me, girl - where's your group at?"

"I told you I don't have one! I lost them back when this all started...I've been on my own ever since..."

"There's no way you could've possibly survived this long on your own..."

"Well, I did." Your glare at him narrowed. "Listen, I'm just passing through, okay? I've been walking for three straight days and this is the first place I found that had a bed. I swear, I'll be gone in the morning. Just let me rest here, please..."

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