Chapter 12

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Tom's POV:
Day 16 with love spelled Marco. It's- hm. Marco keeps calling me non-stop. Most likely because of what I did yesterday.

My phone ringed. Again already? I got my phone out to see who was calling me, mostly likely Marco, but instead of Marco this time, it was Star. I answered it. "Heyy Starship. What's going on?" Star looked very shocked. "wha- pf- WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT'S GOING ON? YOU KISSED MARCO ON THE CHEEK YESTERDAY. Who are you, and what have you done to Tom?" Star rambled. "Calm down. It's- complicated. Yeah sure I hated Marco at the start, but it's different now."

Star sighed. "You do know that the spell will wear off, right? He'll hate you again. You really want to do this to yourself?" Star asked. "Yeah, why not? I'll be fine."

Star looked like she didn't believe a thing I said. "Um, alright. Uh, so, what are you gonna do now?" Star questioned. "I will take the big step." Yes I will do it. "Don't tell-" I cut her off quickly. "Yes Star, I'm going to ask Marco to get with me even if the relationship will be fake at the end." Star looked at me like if it was just the stupidest thing I'd ever said and do. "I- Seriously? That's just depressing." Haha, I know. "Yeah, anyways bye!" I shouted as I quickly hung up.

Time to go talk to Marco.

I made a portal that led outside of Marco's room. Not inside of course, privacy. I walked in and closed the portal behind me. I knocked on his door. "Marco! It's me, Tom." The door quickly swung open, and Marco's face lit up. "Tom!" He shouted. I began clearing my throat. "Marco Diaz, be my boyfriend?" Straight to the point.

Marco was in a state of shock. "Really?!" He happily yelled. He looks so... "Yeah! What do you say?" I might be going fast, but I have a limited time before the spell runs out, so I better do it quickly, you know? "Yes! I love you!" Marco yelled. He jumped on me, and I stumbled back. We began laughing and smiling while we were on the ground, and Marco was on top of me. "I'm so happy!" Marco exclaimed. I laughed. This is truly nice.

Nothing could go wrong you know? Marco already loves me, and I like him back so.. I know his love isn't real though. I can take that when the spell wears off. I'll be able to take it. Yeah. I can do it.

Glossaryck's POV:
Oh Tom, I don't think you can take it. I've seen what will happen, and oh you're definitely not going to be able to take it. Especially with what's coming soon. Enjoy what you have now, Tom. You don't know what's coming.

Now time to go get some pudding.

Star's POV:
"Hey Star!" Marco yelled as he was making his self down stairs. Was he holding Tom's hand? Wait why is Tom here? Don't tell me- "Tom and I are dating!" Marco announced. I-

My jaw dropped. Dating?! "Dating?! How did that happen! I mean I am happy for you guys, but I didn't think that was possible!"

Tom laughed. "I just decided to ask him out once I discovered some feelings, you know? We don't have all the time in the world to wait." Is he becoming a poet or something? "Okayyy.."

We all stood in the room in silence. "Anyways, Tom and I are going to go on a date!" Marco beamed. A date? "Oh, okay. Have fun!" They better take pictures for me to look at. "We will! Bye Star!" Marco  said as he led Tom outside by holding his hand.

Not gonna lie, this is kinda cute. At least Tom's happy, you know? Now, to Marco's room because I want to know what he has in there!

I scurried off to Marco's room and kicked his door open. Hmm. Looks the same like always. Wait, there's a new book? Boring. It looks cool though. What's the title of this book anyways?

I grabbed the book and read the title.

Love Spell Knowledge.

A book about love spells.? No.. it's not.. Has Marco?- Oh no. He knows. Marco knows that he's under a love spell, doesn't he? But- It's bad if he knows! Is this the reason why Marco acted weird for a couple of days? Is this what Glossaryck was talking about?

"So you finally found out what was wrong with Marco, and why he was acting so strange," Glossaryck said.

"Gah! You scared me! Also Glossaryck! Do you know how dangerous it is for Marco to know?! Why didn't you tell me sooner?!"

"Because, Star, reasons that I cannot tell you."

I huffed. I looked at the book again. That's when I began opening his drawers. Better to look then to not after I found this book.

I searched, and I searched. That's when I found another book. Seemed like a notebook or something. I opened it. It was a bunch of papers ripped and covered in pencil. "Oh yeah I remember this," Glossaryck spoke. What..?

"What do you mean you "remember?"" I asked him.

"Well, Marco had asked me for help originally. I've seen him so some things. You know, Star, he's close to snapping; he just doesn't show it to you guys. He's becoming something else."

Tom's POV:
Our date was so much fun! We went to an arcade! I love seeing his smile, the sparkle in his eyes, hearing his laugher. He makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. I know it's cringe, but I love these feelings. I'm falling for him even more. Marco Diaz, once my enemy, now my lover.

Marco and I headed to my house after the date. I had made a portal that led to my room. As soon as we both got through, I closed it. "It's so good to be in my room," I claimed as I plopped onto the bed. "Haha, it must be!" Marco agreed.

As I was enjoying my bed, Marco asked me something. "Now that we're in a relationship, we don't have to keep any secrets to each other, right?" What's up with that question? "Oh, yeah that's right. I don't have any secrets that I'm keeping from you right now. I'd tell you now if I did have some."

Marco stayed silent and just stood there. Looking at me with a deep stare. He looked so dull and empty.? That's when his whole mood changed. A happy mood. "Okay! I trust you!" He smiled.

What was that in the beginning? He looked so.. Eh, it's probably nothing.. I'm happy to have Marco. It's sad that I had to lie to him about the secret thing. I have to keep this secret from him. It's for his own good. He can't know he's under a spell. He can't.

Thank you guys for 73 views and 5 votes (: ! I truly appreciate it! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Now you know that Marco knows. Anyways, hope you guys have a good day/ afternoon/ night! <3

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