Chapter 8

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Tom's POV:
Day 10 with love spelled Marco. He hasn't been bothering me lately for some unknown reason. Well, good news to me though. I do not want a clingy loving Marco. No thank you. It's a bit strange though how he hasn't bothered me though. He is under a love spell after all. Isn't he supposed to always be bothering me? Something's, not right. You know what though? It's not my problem. I don't even care at all about Marco. He can be someone else's problem.

You know what, since I'm sooo bored today, I'll, I'll hang out with Marco today.

I made a portal that led to Marco's living room. Star seemed to also be in the living room at the moment.

"Oh hey Starship," I greeted, with a smile. "Oh hey Tom! What- what brings you here?" She won't believe that I want to hang out with Marco haha. "Oh you know, I just came to hang with Marco because you know, I'm really bored." Star looked at me suspiciously. "Cause you're bored, huh? I don't buy it." Star said as she rubbed her chin. "Anyways, Marco! Tom's here to hangout with you!" Star yelled.

I heard someone coming down the stairs and assumed that it was Marco. I was correct. "Tom!" Marco shouted as he proceeded to show a huge smile. He was jittery/excited to see me and for once, he asked. "Can I hug you?!" Umm. Hm. I guess?. "Uh, sure. Since you asked I guess." I have never seen Marco so happy before. "Yess!" He quickly jumped on me and gave a BIG hug. "Okay, okay, you can get off now!" Marco pulled away, a smile still on his face. "Alright!"


"So, according to Star, you want to hang out with me?" Marco asked, the big smile still stuck on his face.

"Uh, yeah. You know, I was bored, so I figured why not."

"Okay! Do you have anywhere you want to go, or do I bring us someplace else?"

Hm. I don't really have anything in mind. I guess I'll see what's here on Earth. "You can chose something here from Earth. I want to see what's to see here." Marco nodded his head. "Alright, let's go get Chinese food then!"

Chinese food? "What's that?" Star and I asked in unison. "Oh it's a type of food that's really good!"

It sounds, interesting? "Oo, oo! Bring me some on your way back!" Marco nodded. "Okay. I'll be sure to bring you some!" With that, Marco grabbed my hand and led me outside. He let go of it which is good because I was going to ask him anyways to stop grabbing my hand.

"Alright, just follow me okay?" I nodded at his instructions to take us to this "Chinese food."

As we were walking, I was seeing a bunch of things I hadn't seen before. I was curious and asked Marco a bunch of questions which he happily answered. This 'Earth' is very interesting I must admit. It's, cool in its own way. It is different.

We continued walking. Marco spoke up and said that we were close which was good. I'm hungry. We walked until Marco spotted someone and they spotted him.  She waved. "Heyy, Marco." Marco waved back. "Hi, Jackie."

Jackie? Who is she? Are her and Marco friends? "I see you can finally talk to me without sweating or mixing up your words," Jackie laughed. "Oh yeah, I did do that before," Marco nervously said while he put on a smile. What is this? Did- Did Marco have a crush on the girl before the spell? Hmm.

"So, what are you up to?" She asked.

"Oh, well Tom and I are going to get Chinese food!"

"Sounds delicious! Well, have fun dude," Jackie said. That's when it seemed she was getting a better look at me. "Your friend is really nice looking Marco," she stated. I know I am, what's it to you? "Yeah I know right!" Marco agreed.


"Is he available?" Jackie joked. Marco was caught off guard with that question and suddenly got defensive. "Hey, he's mine!" It got quiet all of a sudden. "Marco, do you- do you like boys in that way?" Marco instantly responded back. "The only guy I will ever like, like is Tom."

Jackie looked surprised. Does she have a problem with guys liking guys? "What? Do you have a problem with it?" I suddenly asked. Glaring at her. "Oh, no, no, no, no, no! I'm just surprised! It's cool that you like a guy, Marco! I fully support!"

You better.

"Thanks Jackie!" Marco smiled. "Sorry to get you so defensive, Tom right?" I did not get that defensive! I just- you know. Whatever. "Hey! Im not that defensive!" Jackie just laughed it off. "So, I'm assuming you two are dating? Since Marco said you're his, and you asked if I had a problem with it which I assume is you asking if I had a problem that you were his?" I- Wah- No?! I was about to correct her, but shockingly, I didn't have to. "No, we're not dating," Marco quietly said. "Oh. Okay." It went quiet. "Uh, anyways, Tom and I will heading to get our Chinese food," Marco spoke. "Ah, alright. Well have fun dude." Marco nodded.

We began walking, again. Why did Marco correct her instead of letting me do it? At least he knows we're not dating. I don't think we're friends either. Hm.

"Hey, Marco?"

"Yes, Tom?"

"Um, do you think we're friends?"

Marco stayed silent for a while. "I consider you as a friend and a crush, but I don't know what you consider me as."

Oh. Well, is he really still an enemy? Eh, I guess not. Still don't like him. Like, I don't HATE hate him, but maybe I just hate him a little now. I still don't like him at all though.

"Um, I don't know."

"Oh. Okay."

We continued walking in silence. Should I ask him if he wants to actually be friends? No, that's- that's not me. I don't need Marco as a friend anyways. That's when he broke the silence with a question.

"Do you want to friends Tom?"

Oh? I mean, since he asked, and I didn't have to, I guess we can be.

"Yeah, sure. Just don't make a big deal out of it."

I could see the sparkle and happiness on Marco's face as he tried not to make a big deal out it.


We continued walking a bit more until we were finally there. Oh thank goodness. Marco opened the door for me even though I could've done it, and then he went in after me. Hm, this place looks nice. We walked up to a counter; guessing this is where you order the food.

"Hello, welcome to _______! What would you like today?"

As Marco ordered our food, I looked around the restaurant. Looks comfortable.

"Hey Tom? Do you want to eat here or eat home?"

"Oh, home so we can also eat with Star."


Marco finished ordering the food and we starting heading back. It smelled delicious if I'm being honest. After walking for a long time, we finally reached Marco's house. "We're here, and we brought Chinese food!" Marco shouted. "Chinese food!" Star yelled as she jumped down the stairs. I wonder where his parents are. We all sat together and ate some Chinese food. It was pretty good! Star and I especially loved the fortune cookies. Marco kept laughing at us though. His laugh seems to be, ah forget it. This food is pretty darn good. Star and I are going back for more fortune cookies of course.

Thank you guys for 51 views and 3 votes so far! I appreciate it very much! You can see I'm making Tom like Marco little by little. Baby steps. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Have a nice morning/ afternoon/ night! <3

Love Spell [Tomco] [SVTFOE|Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ