Chapter 6

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Tom's POV:
Day 5 with love spelled Marco. Not so bad I guess, but could be better. Pestering me and trying to hug me and kiss me though. So, infuriating! Why can't this stupid spell just wear off already! The only bright side about this situation is that he's on a level 1 then 3.

Star's POV:
"Marcooo," I whined. "Can we pleaseee talk about something else rather than Tomm??"

"But Star! I always listen(ed) when you rave(d) about Oscar! Why can't it be the same with Tom! I really like Tom, I love him in fact." I groaned and made one of those faces. "One day, he'll even love me back. I'm sure of it!"

"Marco, you don't even know half the things you're saying right now. You don't love Tom, nor even like him at all! It's just this stupid love spell that you're under," I told him while I was bended on the side of the sofa.

Marco stared at me blankly. "Repeat that again." Huh? Why is Marco looking at me so.. I don't know how to describe it, but he's looking at me in some form of way, and I don't like it! "Repeat what again?"
He continued his blank expression. "The stupid love spell is what I'm talking about. How I'm under one? That's not true." Oh.

"Oh! Wait, wait, wait- No! I didn't mean to say that! You're definitely not under a love spell, that'd be crazy!" I nervously laughed. "It's just that, you know, you're so in love with Tom that I had to make that stupid joke haha."

Marco's face suddenly changed into a relived and not blank expression. "Ohh haha, you got me there Star!" I put on a big fake wide smile. "Yeahh."

"Anyways I'm going to go up my room now. Later Star!"

"Yeah, later."

Ughhhh. Why can't Marco just return to normal? I can't wait a month! That's too long. It feels like Marco's been under this spell foreverrr. This is so painful especially since he's in love with Tom.

Tom's POV:
What to do. Hm.. I'm bored. There's nothing really to do. Maybe I can go to sleep? I mean, I can try. Have my big bunny to, well let's not say to cuddle but yeah to cuddle while I sleep.

I laid there for a while, and I guess I'm not really tired enough to go to sleep. The bunny is really comfortable though.

I finally drifted off the sleep luckily until SOMEONE SHOOK ME AWAKE.

"Gah! What the-!"

"Tom! Tom! Tom! Tom!" It was Star. Did she seriously have to wake me up like that?

"Star! Stop shaking me! I'm up, I'm up!"

"Oh he-ha. Sorry about that!"

I sighed. "What is it?"

"Okay well first off, cute bunny." Thank you? "Second off, Marco won't come out of his dumb room! He locked the door!"

Seriously?! This is about Marco? AGAIN? Ugh! Just one day without Marco. That's all I ask! "Star, I don't care about Marco. Just use your wand or something to get in."

"I know but I don't want to intrude like that! Privacy is a thing we have around here."

I groaned. "What do you want me to do about it?"

"Wah! Psh, pah, eh. I want you to get him out! Since you're the one who he loves! You know, because of the spell."

"Don't remind me."

"He should obviously come out by just knowing you're outside his room!"

I sighed once again. "If I do this, will you not bother me about Marco anymore?"

Star thought about it for a little. "Okay fine, unless it's an emergency." She better not make everything an emergency.

I got up from my bed and followed Star into the portal that was made. I was then in Marco's living room. "Okay let's go!" Star said.

Love Spell [Tomco] [SVTFOE|Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora