Chapter 11

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Tom's POV:
Day 15 with loved spelled Marco. Half way through the month. Hm. I've been thinking about the whole.. falling for Marco thing. I'm not capable of that. That's- That's impossible right? I can't- I can't fall for Marco. Can I? No ones stopping me.. so why shouldn't I? Oh, right. Marco doesn't actually love me. It's just a stupid love spell. Once that stupid love spell wears off, he'll go back to normal and think of me as an enemy. Not a friend or anything else.

My phone starting ringing so I picked it up. It was Star. I answered the call, and Marco showed up instead. Guessing he was using her mirror? "Hey Tom! Star and I are going roller blading at the skate center, wanna come?" Marco asked; with such a smile that.. agh! Ugh! Stupid thoughts! "Tom?"

I quickly turned my attention back to Marco. "Huh? Oh sorry, I was distracted. Anyways, yeah sure, I'll come with you guys. I don't know how to roller skate actually believe it or not." Marco laughed. Hm. "That's okay! I can teach you and Star, it's not that hard. People who go to the skating center most often don't even know how to skate! So it'll be alright!" Marco beamed. His smile was bright and pretty. Wait- Pretty?! No! Gah! Okay Tom just think of Star, think of Star, think of S-

"Alright just make your way here to Earth at exactly ___ and the location is _________. Okay?" Hm. "Alright, see you there. Bye." I waved through the phone. "Bye Tom! Love ya!" He hung up.


Love me? Haha, if only he knew that his love was fake. That it's all fake. His feelings, what he might think, it's fake. If I start falling for him.. if we had something, it'd be fake. I'd only last for 15-14 days. We're already half way through the month for when the spell wears off.


You know what? Fuck everything. Fuck my thoughts and shitty feelings. Never thought I'd say this, but I'll let Marco love me and I'll go for it too. Why not? At the end, I'll know the results. I'm okay with that. Really went from hating Marco to falling for him. I should have never gotten that stupid love spell.

Some time passed.

Alright. Time to go to the skate center. I made a portal that led to it. So many people. I called Star and she answered. "Where are you guys?" I asked. "Uh, we're currently in one of the lines." Which one is the question. That's when Star showed where she was by showing her surrounding. I spotted her and Marco after a couple of minutes and walked over to them.

"You made it," Star said. "Sure I did, wouldn't miss this opportunity to learn to skate." So, what's taking so long? "Oh we have to wait in line by the the way Tom." Seriously? A line? Ugh. Some minutes passed until we got our tickets to head inside. We went to a lady that gave out the roller skates, and we all said our shoe sizes, so she could give us the correct ones.

Once we received our roller skates, we put them on. It wasn't so hard to put them on I guess. Oh and I didn't want to get the same roller blades like every one else. Neither did Star. They were bland and looked dirty. We bought the cool fresh ones. Marco just didn't care. "Alright, so we can agree that standing in these are easy, correct?" Star and I both nodded our head. "Alright, that's good," Marco smiled.

Stupid pretty smile...

I started skating a bit, well walking just not really lifting my feet. It was, a bit easy I guess. It was the same for Star too. "Alright, do not go into the big rink because you will definitely not make it out," Marco instructed. "Practice a bit here, don't bump into people, but you know just practice a bit. You'll kinda get it, not much though since it's your first time. "Woah!" Star shouted as she re-balanced herself. "I almost fell!" That was kind of funny to watch. "It's alright Star, it happens. You can hold me if you want to get better and stuff." Marco suggested. "Yes please!" Hm.

Look at them, Star holding onto Marco. Whatever.

I tried practicing on my own for a bit. I'm kinda getting the hang of it. I can't really skate, but baby steps. I saw quite some people fall, so if you do fall, I realized that people don't care and know that it's normal. They tend to ask if they're alright too once they fall. "Tom! Look! I'm getting the hang of it!" Star beamed. "That's great Star!" Star nodded happily. Star and Marco started talking and she nodded her head. Marco made his way over to me. "So, got enough practice?" He asked. "I think so, why?"

"To go to the rink of course." Ohh. I mean, sure. Why not? "Oh yeah sure. Let's go." Marco happily smiled at my response. "What about Star?" I asked him. "Star said she's going to practice a bit more before she joins," Marco explained. "Ah, alright."

Marco and I entered the rink. Wow, this is a lot harder then the floor we were just on. It's more, like, slippery but just with skates you know? They are two different types of floors. "Gah!" I shouted as I almost fell, but I regained my balance. "Okay, I'm alright, I'm alright." Marco gestured his hand to me. "Do you want to hold hands? I'm not saying it's because I really want to hold your hand, I'm asking because it makes it a bit easier. You can hold onto my hand and the sides of the wall if you want," Marco softly smiled. Pretty. Oh I did it again. Eh, who cares.

"Sure, we can hold hands." A smile instantly spread across Marco's face. "Alrighty!" Marco happily held my hand. "Okay, I'll try to go at your pace. Also don't lean forward." I nodded at his instructions. I moved my feet forward even though I'm pretty sure I was not skating the right way, but this is all I can do for now. I almost fell again, but I didn't. "Take it easy and slow." We kept skating together on the sides of the rink so that we wouldn't bother or get in the way of the other people. Plus there was rails that we could hold onto. Marco and I made it all the way around the rink, and we then decided to get back to Star.

"Hey guys! You know, I'm getting the hang of this. I also learned that we should move our feet left and right or whatever." Marco smiled at Star's improvement. "That's good and yes you should move your feet like that." Star cheerfully smiled back. "So ready to go to the rink with Tom and I?" Marco asked. Star began nodding a lot. "Yes! I can't wait!"

We made our selves to the rink and starting skating. We helped Star a little too. We were doing good until I fell on my back. "Woah!" Well that hurt. "Ow." Star began laughing, and Marco looked shocked but seemed like he wanted to laugh too. "Hey, it's not funny!" I shouted at them. "Well it is too to us." Hmp. We began skating again, and Star was holding onto the rails of the side of the wall. That's when she starting skating without moving her legs. I think she was sliding? She stopping by firmly placing her hands on the rail. She almost fell though when she did that, and then I was the one who began laughing.

We all skated, ate a bit, skated again, and that was pretty much it. It was pretty fun not gonna lie. Skating central's are cool. I still don't know how to skate that well, but I would like to go back one day. Maybe I could practice at home.

It was nighttime when we went outside to go home. I said my goodbyes to Marco and Star while they said theirs to me. "Bye guys!" I said. "Byee Tom!" They said in unison. They opened a portal with their dimensional scissors, and I opened one with, well, my hands. Star walked in the portal, and before Marco could go in, I grabbed his face and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. "Goodbye, Marco Diaz." I quickly ran to the portal I made while I heard Marco in the background. "Did you just kiss me?! Tom!" Haha!

I immediately closed the portal once I got through. I was in my bedroom and headed towards my bed. I should take a shower and brush my teeth, then I'll sleep.

Today was fun.

I'm finally making Tom fall in with love Marco, so you better have enjoyed this chapter! Enjoy it while this love is still here and not gone, hehehehehe.

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