Under The Mistletoe

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Under The Mistletoe (Written in 2021)

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Under The Mistletoe (Written in 2021)

WARNINGS: adult themes

A secret Santa keeps leaving you gifts and love letters. You have to figure out who it could possibly be... 

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Strolling through the marble school halls in a haze of love, Johnny and Ponyboy followed closely behind, listening to me declare my love and spin in circles. The lockers are covered in snowflakes and tinsel hung from the ceiling. It was only a few days until Christmas break and everyone was in a good mood.

"See, I got this love letter this morning. Someone left it in my locker. It reads; For all the bright stars at this time of the year, you're the one which gives me the most cheer..."

"Corny." snorted Johnny, as Ponyboy nudged him hard in the ribs.

He gave Ponyboy a look, who in return shrugged at me. I must've appeared insane to them, but I couldn't help but fall for whoever was writing me these notes. I laid the letter against my chest, "How romantic." I gushed.

We approached our lockers, which were now covered with Christmas posters. It was a nice change from the scuff marks and graffiti. I noticed something sticking out from my locker, I ripped a piece of paper from the corner, "It's him!" I told my friends, "I wonder who it could be?"

Johnny rolled his eyes as both of them shrugged again, having no idea who it was.

I unfolded the paper, and started to read the words, "As Christmas approaches, I only wish for you." I sighed at the romance, I was falling head over heels for this person, and yet, had no clue who it was.

Later that night, I swept into my bedroom to start my homework for the week, but I saw something on my bed. It was a wrapped gift, with a little note tied to it. I opened the envelope, it read:

Hello gorgeous, I hope you're having a good night, but I would like to meet you at the town gazebo tonight at 11 P.M, in the box is something I think you could look amazing in. I hope to see you there. Love, your secret admirer xx

My heart skipped a beat as I unwrapped the present, and laid eyes on a stunning dress, one that I had wanted for weeks but couldn't afford after all the gifts I bought for my family. I wondered how they could have possibly known that...

I got to wondering how someone even got into my house, maybe they broke in. I checked my window but it was locked. Someone might have a key or maybe my parents let them in and didn't tell me. However they did it was sneaky.

I picked up my phone, and dialled up Ponyboy's house because I knew Johnny would be there as well, but there was no answer. His brother must have been hogging up the phone line again.

At the time on the note, I left the house and found the town centre. The gazebo was located in the middle of Tulsa, on a little square with huge trees surrounding it. It wasn't too busy when I arrived, only a few couples strolled around, holding hands and looking so in love. I was about to be one, at least I hoped.

As I slowly walked up the steps of the gazebo, the glow of Christmas lights filled me up with warmth. All those floating lights like a sea of sparkling, bright, and colourful twinkles gleamed against the shimmering snow, it all gave me intense happiness.

That's when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I braced myself for whoever was sending me the love letters and gifts. I couldn't even begin to imagine who it was, until I turned and saw a shyly, staring Ponyboy behind me.

I am overwhelmed with joy, and couldn't help but let out a little giggle. He had watched me go through the yearbook, wondering who it could be, when it was him this entire time.

"I should've known it was you." I smiled, looking down nervously, "I mean, you're an amazing writer."

He grinned back, "I just wanted you to know how much you mean to me." he says, as we inch closer. I knew it was going to happen, I could just tell he wanted to kiss me from the moment we laid eyes on each other.

As our lips touched, the world around me faded and suddenly we drifted away from everyone else... into the sea of lights. It was like nothing I had ever felt in my life.

When his lips parted from mine, I glanced up and saw a mistletoe above our heads. It was like fate brought us together for this. 

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