Chapter three (2)

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"All of those houses in the sky," Connie starts, "one of them could be Erens. How's it feel to have your own roof over your head again?" He finishes bursting into a hysterical laugh.

Sasha gives him a smack when Jean asks her too.

"Hey! I'm trying to lighten up the mood here!" Everyone ignores Connie. "God. I waste my best material on you people."

While Connie was giving his speech about how he's the funniest person in the world, totally missing the vibe at the time may I add, Bertholdt was continuing to throw houses into the air.

Then there was another rock that was thrown close to them causing Jean to lose balance upon Eren shoulder and making him fall, if it weren't for Eren watching Jean closely he wouldn't have caught him in time.

"I'm good, all good." Jean says when Eren gently places him back on his shoulder. Eren gives a low huff in response.

"Anyways, Armin, what do you want us to do?" Mikasa asks sternly.

Armin, in a state of panic, looks to Jean. "Will you take over for me? Please." He was almost trembling.

Everyone turned to Armin.

"I don't know what to do. I know I'll screw up, I know it. My first mistake was talking to Bertholdt, and looking at where that got us. Please, Jean!" Armin begs. "We all know you're better suited for this!"

Jean hesitates. Though he knew Armin needed a break. "Okay," He turns to Eren, "head towards the river. Everyone hop on, we need to conserve our gas! Eventually we'll need to get Bertholdt's attention, Eren. But for right now we stay out of sight."

Once everyone was on board they headed towards their destination.

Jean eventually turns to Armin once again. "I'm alright with making calls from judgement, but I am no genius for getting us out of this. In the end, we count on you."

Armin could only give a nervous shake of his head.


On the other side of the wall was the Beast Titan throwing rocks and already killing hundreds of Soldiers. Leaving everyone huddled close to the wall, leaving Erwin with only one choice.


"Alright Eren. Go ahead and yell at Bertholdt. We can't let him get any closer." Jean acknowledged.

Eren roared as loud as he could at Bertholdt to grab his attention. This worked because Bertholdt stopped moving and turned his head towards Eren. Before they could get their hopes up to high that they had distracted Bertholdt enough, he continued on toward the wall.

"What now, Jean! We can't let him get to the wall-" Connie panics.

"I know! We aren't letting him reach it. Eren! I'm gonna need you to tackle his leg."

Eren started running towards the Colossal as fast as he could.

"Wait a minute you chucklefucks," Begins Connie, "do we even have a plan?"

"Connie's right, aside from the mean nickname. With that steam he makes our ODM gear useless! It wouldn't connect." Sasha agrees.

"I know! I'm fully aware, but we're trying anyway. Everything, and everyone has a weakness. No matter how big or strong. Whether it be a weak spot or another human being." Informed Jean.

Eren side -eye'd Jean. The way Erens has been treating Jean, not even wanting him to be here, wanting him to stay as safe as possible. Making it hard to concentrate at times. Is Jean his weakness?

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