Chapter two

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Eren groaned as the bright sun greeted him as he woke up. He rubbed his eyes, yawning. 'What happened last night?' He asked himself. When he became more awake and aware of his surroundings he noticed arms wrapped around his bare waist and then looked over at the other boy who was still sleeping, Jean.

Eren smiled to himself remembering the night before. Jean was his and he was Jeans. Eren couldn't remember the last time he was genuinely this happy. He snapped himself out of his happy thoughts when the other male yawned.

Eren softly chuckled. "Good morning sleepy head." He softly says giving Jean a good morning kiss.

"Mmm," Jean says, returning the good morning kiss, "a very good morning indeed."

"Let's get ready for the day," Eren began, reaching for his clothes, "we also need to make the bed then help the others clean before Captain arrives, then at dinner, I was thinking we'll tell everyone about us there."

"Slow down. We have all day to work things out. Let's go eat with the others then start the cleaning." Jean replies to the other already getting dressed.

Once both the boys were dressed they started to head to the dining room. The others were eating in silence when they arrived. No one seemed to question them entering together which didn't surprise Jean and Eren. Eren sat by Mikasa and Armin like he usually does and Jean sat across from him, like usual.

Everyone assumed this was their last day in the Special Operation house before they left for Trost to get ready to head to Wall Maria for the retake.

"Okay everyone," Armin shouts enthusiastically standing up, "let's get cleaning!"

As much as everyone hated cleaning they all didn't hesitate. Levi could walk through the door at any second and none of the cadets were ready to die at the hands of a short, scary man.

Everyone was cleaning for a few minutes and it was all going pretty normal, except, Eren and Jean were acting differently, with how they interacted with one another that is. It was only a little different, but still noticeable. In fact, Connie was almost convinced he heard Eren, giggling?

"All I'm saying is they either had a one-night stand or are now in a relationship." Connie sang out leaning against the wall while the others swept.

"Whatever happened last night it's not our business," Armin sighs. "Now can you please get back to sweeping?"

"No no no, Connie's right. They definitely fucked." Sasha chimes in.

"Sasha!" Armin gasped.

Mikasa was listening in on the conversation between the three. Could Eren and Jean actually be a thing? Eren never spoke about Jean in any type of way other than dislike. Mikasa needed to know what was going on.

Almost coincidentally Eren and Jean ran into the same room as the others, they were originally cleaning the upstairs.

"Are you guys finished cleaning?!" Erens exclaims, with fear painted across his face.

"Almost. Why? Are you okay? You look like you've seen a ghost." Armin questioned.

"We just saw Captain Levi arrive." Jean gulped.


After Levi arrived and scoped out the whole house and made all of them re-clean it. He informed all of them of the plan for the retake of Wall Maria. He was brief with it and didn't mention much. All the mentioned is that they leave for Trost tomorrow evening and their Commander Erwin explains the plan.

All of Squad Levi had eventually sat down for the night and we're sitting in peace as they were eating their dinner. Eren and Jean kept exchanging glances with one another. Their plans were supposed to tell the others about their relationship tonight but they never decided who was going to tell them.

"Ahem." Eren cleared his throat.

Everyone looked up from their food. Sasha looked somewhat offended having been interrupted from finishing her dinner.

"I have something to tell you all," Eren took a deep breath, "I and Jean are dating." Eren blurted it out, looking down avoiding everyone's gaze, he reached for Jean's hand under the table as they both waited for the others' responses.

"I knew it!" Sasha jumps up enthusiastically, almost dropping her food on the floor.

"Okay okay so now that we know the truth and where you two went yesterday night. Did you guys fu-" Connie was cut off by Armin shoving bread in his mouth.

"It was about time you two got together. You two were so easy to read when you looked at one another." Armin says with a huge smile. He was thrilled Eren found someone to love him, he knew he really needed someone like that in his life.

"As long as it doesn't distract you from any of your duties," Levi commented, then sipped his tea.

The acceptance from his Squad made Eren smile. He looked at Jean who was also smiling. They didn't let go of each other's hands the whole time until Eren noticed that Mikasa had left the room.

Eren got up from his seat to go look for Mikasa. He needed her approval out of everyone.

Eren found Mikasa sitting alone in another room close to where everyone else was. He walked in and sat beside her not saying anything.

"How long have you liked him?" Mikasa asked, breaking the silence.

"I think longer than I realize." Replied Eren.

"God, I feel so stupid. It seems like everyone knew you two liked each other."

"It's not your fault. I was denying myself of the fact for a while I guess."

The room went silent again.

"Does he make you happy?" Mikasa questioned, turning and now facing Eren.

"Very much."

Mikasa sighed then smiled looking at Eren. All she wanted was for him to be happy and if it was with someone else she was just going to have to deal with that. She pulled Eren into a hug.

"I'm happy for you." She said It was genuine. Eren has been through so much. He deserved this.

"Thank you." Eren grinned as he pulled away from the hug.

Both Mikasa and Eren heard the door open behind them and they both turned to see Jean, standing there.

"I was worried about you two. You had both vanished and I wanted to make sure you guys were okay," Jean started to ramble scratching the back of his neck, "I wasn't worried about Eren being unfaithful or anything, no, I trust him I just wanted to like y'know make sure yo-"

"Jean, It's okay." Eren cut Jean off. Eren then patted the seat next to him for Jean to sit down, which Jean did, "she's happy for us."

Mikasa nods. "I'm going to finish my dinner and let you two have some alone time," she teases, then looks at Jean dead in the eye, "You break his heart I break your neck." She hissed at Jean then left the room.

"Well good thing I like you too much to ever hurt you," Jean says, kissing Eren on the cheek.

Eren moved himself so he was straddling Jean's lap. "Well I hope so, cause, I can't imagine a world without you in it." Eren hummed, placing a soft kiss on the other's lips.

Jean returned the kiss. The kiss was soft and sweet. Jean wrapped his arms around Erens waist, holding him lovingly.

Eren smiled into the kiss and then pulled away. "Okay okay, let's get ready for bed and then make sure we're packed and ready to head to Trost." Eren expressed getting off of Jean's lap and holding out a hand for him to take.

"Aww," Jean pouts, "I was looking forward to where that moment would go." Jean finishes then take Eren's hand.

Eren laughed. "Let's go you, dork."

Once in a Lifetimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें