❥ Chapter Thirty: Roni

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The shadow came to view when it jumped from the bridge and landed a few meters away from me. I steadied my footing as the rocks starts shaking from the impact of the jump. The green eyes beast stood tall as it bears its fangs at me. His sharp claws shined when the blood moon appeared from hiding. I maintained my eye contact, not moving a single muscle. I know I have pictured an encounter like this but reality hits way more different than what I imagined.

I slowly glanced at my crossbow, a few feet from where I am standing. I imagined what would happen if I run towards my weapon and how unlikely it'll turn out to my advantage. The wolves are fast compared to my feet. The rocks may render me slower but it doesn't affect the beast's speed. I returned my gaze to the werewolf in front of me and took a deep breath before I decided to run.

As soon as I move, the werewolf started running towards my direction. I run and spot the crossbow near me so I extended my right arm and was about to hold the weapon when a painful hit made me slam on the big rock ahead of me. I coughed when my back hit the sharp rock. I coughed again and this time, blood came gushing out of my mouth. It was foolish of me to think I could outrun the monster, me, a mere human against the lightning speed of the monster.

The werewolf then held me by the arm and throws me to the river where I felt my wound at the back sting in pain more and more. The cold water enveloped my whole body, as I sank in deeper. I opened my half-closed eyes and saw the luminous moonlit night and the werewolf standing on the edge, searching the waters for my whereabouts.

An image flashed on my mind, triggering my lost memories. I can feel the same cold feeling and the same drowning moment but what's different was I was struggling to live while trying so hard to breathe, chanting the word over and over again, "baby".

I pushed my legs immediately and swam upwards, the water in my eyes stung but I have to keep my eyes open. I pushed the waters using my legs and arms and resurfaced. I coughed so hard when I reached the shallow part of the river. I was panting when I took a hold of the cold and sharp rocks. I laid on the surface and rested when I realized that the beast is already right in front of me. Its sharp claws once again pierced my shoulder as he lifts me up off the ground. All my energy was drained from the swimming but I knew I have to survive, I have to think of a way to get out of here or kill this thing.

The werewolf decided to choke me and as I grasp for air, I found my strong will of getting out of here alive. I need to see Jack one last time before I die. I can't let this beast kill me now. Not now at least.

I looked around and saw my crossbow too far from my reach. I used my right hand to search the pocket of my pants while struggling out of the wolf's grip. His hand tightened around my neck more making me cry in pain, he's crushing me.

I reached to my pocket and felt the small vial, the serum. Thank god, I put one bottle on the side pocket of my pants. I almost broke the serum but I used every ounce of my strength left to lift my arm and injected the serum on the werewolf's neck. He immediately lets me go when he felt the stabbing pain I just gave him. I fell on the ground and hit my legs on the rock. Everything was painful while I was taking deep breaths. I almost lost air.

The werewolf in front of me collapsed to the ground while panting so hard. Its fur and claws began to melt and slowly his body changed back to his human form. The man curled like a ball while covering his naked body with his arms. He stared at me, shocked and surprised of the miracle that just happened. Well, this isn't a miracle, it is merely science.

I stood up and felt my bones made a crack sound but I ignored the pain and walked towards my bag and crossbow's direction. I picked my things up and decided to give the man something to cover his body. He can't walk around here naked, they'll smell them and if they found out I turned him back, they'll just going to have him for dinner.

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