Bakugo's spritzy welcome? Hazard training, take two.

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(Image from YouTube via screenshot.)

"This seems to be the place." Zaiku said while they parked(absorbed in Doro's case) their bikes. It was a rather simple building at the corner of the street, Dagobah beach visible near the other end. "I researched the building and it used to be a pet hotel until the beach became a dump. Did you find anything about Baku, Izuku?"

"Kurai Enmu, age 24, his quirk let's him release a blue mist that makes people drowsy and hampers quirk control unless they concentrate, but since it's transdermal that's an uphill battle. He trained so he can remove the hazy effect from the mist, or increase the pressure of the blast. Other than the fact his mutant body won't let him fit or drive most vehicles so he bought a motorized sofa, there's nothing too unusual about him compared to most heroes."

Doro nervously sieved through the gift basket they brought. "D-does that mean he or his sidekicks m-might be offended by the gifts we brought, like the chicken salads or the kinetic chargers me and Zaiku made."

"This is rich coming from me, but your overthinking things." Izuku patted his shoulder. "Mt. Lady offered this and they'll love the gift basket, and I have a prosecutor on speed dial if they pull an 'attack hello' on us, so don't worry about that either." He then saw their confused looks. "Did you guys forget about Yagi's tales of how his teacher was an ass?"

"No, we're just wondering how your gonna word it to the jury, let's just head inside." Zaiku said as he opened the door. The interior was like that of a forest with several large plant beds, moss walls, and a dwarf apple tree among other small fruit plants. "Biophilic architecture, like the Singapore super trees." The inventor said in awe.

"Hey, I was wondering when you guys would show up!" A female voice called out. The three looked and saw Mt Lady doing a bear crawl through a model city. "Is that for me and the boss? Just set it on that chair, I'm almost done with my coordination training so let's talk about possible training while I finish." She pointed a leg at a chair while holding up a tower for a toy rescue team.

Doro clamped Izuku's mouth shut. "We should first mention that only Bakugo and Midoriya plan to become heroes, myself and Shikake joined since our aspirations make us potential targets for more ruthless villains." He swatted a hand away. "Izuku, buddy, you talk too fast for people not used to it, even with your mind tricks."

"You gotta be exaggerating, I've talked to Hound Dog, and Baku even taught me how to piece together statements from panicking civilians, so why is Izu-boy a problem." A rescuer whistled as its head glowed green, she let go and tiptoed to a bank that started ringing and glowing red.

"The problem is that Izuku intends to go underground and specialize in investigation and sabotage, hopefully making raids happen within days. My friend has trouble maintaining a rhythm when talking, increasing speed. We tried a few mnemonics, but it's slow going." Zaiku explained placing the basket, and ignoring the greenette's sulky expression.

Yu tilted her head as she moved a swat team and grabbed the getaway vehicle. "Well I'm not like most people so he's fine, if I remember last week right you wanted an open space to test gear and act as a study hall, right?" They nodded. The toy city flashed blue before turning off as she walked out, waltzing around the tiny people and cars without issue. "There's an open area in the back you can use, as for downtime(which is also vital), there's an arcade and snackbar called Nkomori across the street that keeps the snackbar separated from the game area, which is weirdly quiet." She said, remembering when she took a break there. "Anyway let's iron out the details while Baku finishes his meeting with the precinct, and before you ask about the beach." She groaned in frustration. "We've been surveilling and hauled some garbage ourselves but it's slow going, especially when we have to check for any discarded villain tools."
Meanwhile, at Mizugumo...

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