Hazard training

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"Remind me why I'm tagging along with you, and who these two extras are?"

Izuku gave a good natured eyeroll. "These are two friends I made at the start of last semester, and you might want to be nicer if you want them to help you. They're too valuable as friends to lose because of worthless pride."

"Tch. I'm m being nice by not lying or mincing words, and you still haven't told me who they are."

"Okay, you got me there." The greenette says sheepishly. "The one with the dirty hair is Doro Umeru, he's living in a herb shop and knows everything about herbs and salon treatments." The soil controller waved as Izuku gestured to the other person, a boy with black hair and neon red and blue eyes. "This here is Zaiku Shikake, the guy who made my bike and the weapon I'm training with."

"Correct," Zaiku spoke up measuredly. "I became friends with Izuku as he liked my gadgets, despite the challenge in them. The stories he told of you... make you perfect for tests once I'm not restricted to hobby grade resources."

The bomber grunted as he mulled it over. His childhood acquaintance had a point with being on good terms with connections, especially when it involved gear and medicine. "Again, why do you two need me? Last I checked restomod is going underground and I'm going daylight, so what's the deal?"

Zaiku took out his phone map and screen magnifier. "This alleyway has an open area and acts like an island for hero patrols. We plan to turn it into a training area because of that and also because its a nexus between our homes. I want you to join us personally as I don't have the money for bombs." Katsuki chuffed at that, noticing they were right at the alleyway. The open space was actually good enough to be an arena, placing his bag next to a moped he stood next to a stone pot in the center of the alleyway.

Zaiku cleared his throat. "Okay everyone, welcome to Hazard Training. Here we will do a mix of combat and mobility exercises, as well as read up on hero related laws for our respective careers. I for example wish to avoid a similar fate as the support company in Lakewood, California while Bakugo from Midoriya's tales wishes to learn about the basics of all hero protocols in case UA doesn't bother to teach him. Any questions?" Bakugo did have a few, but they'll probably answer themselves after a few sessions. "None at all? Okay, save for Bakugo we have made as many possible precautions so I believe nothing will go wrong."

"This is Mt. Lady, sidekick of the Baku agency responding to what looks like a large firework with a colored smoke trail. Possibly a makeshift flare from a civilian, requesting backup." She spoke while running to the scene.

"Bubble girl, on the way!"

"Ingenium, rolling in!"

Officer Tamakawa, I see Bubble Girl and I'm giving her a lift!"

"His Purple Highness, technically retired but I'm across the street from the flare."

"Sleepyhead hero, Baku inbound. ETA two minutes. Mt. Lady, listen to Purple and go giant to flank or block the villains, but only if the civilians can escape."

"Understood!" She yelled as she reached a street corner, seeing a slim man with lengthy hair standing in front of an alley. Turning to face her, he nodded and jogged in. 'That had to be Purple, I better run to another entrance.' She thought as she saw one seconds later. "I'm in position and ready to use my quirk to corner the villains. How are the hostages His Purple Highness?"

More than one way to be a heroOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora