12. Stress

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08.20 p.m.
[(Y/n)s pov]

"So you won't even consider leaving Silco?" "Sorry, Ekko." "Please. With you, our lives could stop being miserable as hell..." I just keep looking down onto the city which lets him sigh. "Just... think about it."

"Oh btw... are you missing someone?" "What do you mean?" "Nevermind." "Wait.. you have her?" "Yes." He stares at me with a look of disbelieve. "Don't worry. I won't let anybody hurt her, but I can't let her go that easily." "The fuck?" I turn my head to face him with a poker facer. "Just... don't kill her." "Didn't you listen?" "Yeah yeah... you won't let anybody hurt her, got it..." "Good."

"Why little demon?" I let out a sigh and take off my mask, my head turning to him with hesitation. "Because I'm a monster." His eyes scanning my face with shock. "What the fuck happened to you?" "Jealousy... thats what happend." "Fuck... but you still look... good." I scoff with a smal smile and put the mask back on. "Thanks." As my gaze went back to the city, it spotted something unusual. Inforcers. "Sorrg, big guy. Gotta leave ya now. See ya!" With that I lean forward so much that my bodyweight drags me down the roof. I could her Ekko scream something like "Fucking shit?!" but the loud wind swallowed most of his words. My landing was rather loud but I couldn't care less. I need to get to Silco as fast as possible.

Silcos office door slams open with a bang, making Silco jump up. He releases that its me who jumpscared him, so he relaxes again. "Would you mind stopping that... slamming doors habit of yours?" "Sorry... but its an emergency." "What is it?" "Inforcers. Coming this way." His expression changing into a serious gaze. I don't really know why they would come to us now so I ask: "Did something happen? Did Jinx something again?" "We will talk about it later, you should go. They shouldn't see you." Footsteps appear behind me. Jinx. "Jeez you're fast... following you is impossible...hellhount~" "What did you call me?" "Hellhount. Wasn't that what your new friend called you?" "Wh-" we get interrupted by heavy Footsteps on the staircase. "Stop fighting and hide." I jump onto the planks above us without hesitation. Jinx just looks at where I was standing but her gaze then going up to meet mine. Her lips forming a 'What the fuck?' but no voice escaping. She jumps onto Silcos desk and then swings onto some planks. She lets herself down on one plank below me.

The Inforcers storm the room right after. Marcus and two of our bodyguards. "What the hell was that? Six Inforcers dead. Dead! Not only the death of the Kirammans daughter but now this? This crosses the goddammn line, Silco!" "What makes you so sure that we are involved in that Kirammans death?" "She got that Pink haired girl out of Still Water! Since she's the sister of your Jinx and witnesses saw them down here sniffing and fighting around it only makes sense that you or any of your people are involved on this!" Silco just looks at him with a poker face. "And that Kiramman was a good friend of Counciler Talis who is loosing his shit up there and he makes my life into a hell!!" "Hell?" "Yes fucking hell! And I can't make that disappear unless you give me something I can work with." Silco reaches into a small box and pulls out a cigarette. He chops of its end and lights it up. "The Firelights are a thorn in both our sides. They ambushed my shipments on the same day as the explosion. I think the Council has its culprits." "That won't work! Not after all that." "Then make it work." Silco grabs a bag from his desk and throws it at Marcus. "For their families. From an anonymous, concert citizen." Marcua turns around and stomps out of Silcos office.

After some seconds I jump down and close the door. "Tha fuck was that? What the hell was he talking about? Explosion? Dead Inforcers?" Jinx jumps down and makes herself comfortable on the couch. "I gave Silco a gift. As a sorry for my actions." My gaze turning to her. "Then where is my gift? Ah fuck it..." I don't even want one from her, so I face Silco again. "Jinx gave me something that will help us get our Nation of Zhaun. Those deaths are just some side-effects." "Just some side-effects? Like those from the Kirammans daughter? You never fucking told me how fucking important that bitch was that I killed! And that rampaging Counciler is also just a side-effect? We are in so much fucking trouble right now and the only thing that comes into your mind is to blame the Firelights?" My frustration growing and growing inside of me. Rage following right behind.

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