Sweater Shopping

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Originally posted in my other writing book.


"Ah frick!" I exclaimed, reaching out my hands as I tumbled to the floor. I braced myself for impact. Why did that stupid person's foot have to be in the way when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere-

"OH NO I'M SO SORR- Maya?" I heard a distinctly familiar British voice question.

"Gri-grian?" I glanced up from my lump on the floor, cradling my left arm. It had taken most of the impact from the fall. "Oh my Notch, heeeeeeeeey." I saluted lazily with my good arm, standing.

Grian went to bow, his wings relaxing, the tension visibly fading from the feathers after seeing me.

"Wooooah woah woahwoahwooooah, hol it right there, G-man. Not here..." My voice cracked from anxiety as he raised his head. "You know we're friends, right?"

"Then where have you been?"

"I've been busy."

"Busy doing what?"

"Running. What else?" Didn't he know me by now?

"But I thought that even busy friends would check-up every now and again, even if just a text..." he said, making puppy eyes.

Damn it, his puppy eyes always got me.

I sighed. "Hello, Grain."

The Watcher smirked, tugging at my hand with a wisp of magic. "Alright, where's our next big adventure. It seems like you have a plan."

"So I've been thinking," he started off, sending me that lazy smirk of his.

"What a dangerous pastime, Grian. Tsk tsk, I'm very disappointed."

"-I see you didn't lose your motherly attitude."

"Oh, you should meet my family..."

I held up a hand as he stared me down. Where's a Notch-damn humour inhaler when you need one-

Waiting for me to catch my breath, he resumed talking, though confused at my mention of 'family.' "Anyway, I was thinking... you wanna go shopping?"

I had almost regained proper breathing circumstances by now. "What's the catch, Wing Boi." There's always one when a Watcher suggests something fun.

"Oh, there's no catch." But I saw that glint in his eyes. That spark of mischief.

He was up to something.

"Alriiiight, then..." And grabbing my hand with his own (the one that still hurt, of course), took me running off to the Server Hall's mall.


An explosion of colors. ("I was killed with color!" -Tubbo... I'M SORRY I'LL STOP NOW PLEASE DONT KILL MEEEEEEDJSKSJNDKS)

That's what the mall was.

Anything you could ever imagine was sold there; neon signs, skeleton horses, armor, and so much more.

Grian, apparently, wanted to take me to a clothing store.

It was called the Sweeter Sweater Shop for a reason.

Rows upon rows, endless waves of sweaters. All sizes, colors, fits, patterns, and texture were there.

"Oh nononono, Gri, I see what's going oN-" Grian pulled me up to the front desk, and my halo flashed red. I pulled my hand out from his own, comforting it (yes, it still hurt).

"Ahhhh, Miswer Grion, how luwvly it iz to see you today!" A short man stood behind the counter, look up from his notebook. "And I seez you hafs brought wit you a wuvwy ladie..." The man raises his eyebrows comically, and I snorted, covering my mouth with my good hand.

"Oh no no, she's like a sister to me, Ile... Anyway-" Grian said, stopping to clear his throat, causing me to laugh more and a blush to creep up onto his face "-I wanted to get a sweater for my friend here."

"Color?" Ile directed the question at me this time.

I paused.

What would look good on me?

I've always worn some semblance of purple and cyan-green almost my entire life, and that's what I was used to.

Sooo, maybe a neutral color of some sort.

"Any neutral colors. Light, preferably." I threw in the second part of the sentence after thinking for a moment.

I didn't wear dark clothes normally... but a certain someone did, and I'd rather not invite them to the party.

"I shall goz take a looksie, den! Be right bach!" And Ile flitted away.

Grian turned to me. "Like the surprise?"

"Too early to call, Wing Boi." I rested my elbows on the desk,
Gri copying the motion. "So, who's this Ile that I just met?"

"Oh, I've known him as long as I've been coming here. He's apparently a hybrid, but he has never revealed what kind. He's also really trustworthy. Helped me a while back..." Dark clouds shaded his eyes at the mention.

I reached out, grabbing his hand, rubbing my finger over his knuckles. "Just learn to run, then you'll be able to fly."

"I'm baaaaaaach!" The sing-song voice of Ile returned, and I dropped my hand so he didn't get any ideas, if you know what I mean...

"Pleaze, fallow me, Mizz."

Shrugging at Grian, I followed behind Ile, who led me to some changing rooms. "Inside you'll find all deh sweaterz I haz picked for you! Enjoyweee!"


"Yes... this is the one."

I spun around in front of the mirror, taking in the sight of me in a creamy cable-knit sweater.

I never though I'd see the day where that Boi would actually get me into one of these.

I opened the door, stepping out to see Ile and Grian conversing like old friends.

"Hey guys!" I smiled, taking a step towards them.

"Hey- Maya-" Grian's eyes widened slightly.

"You lwook ver' good, Mizz... I will retoorn..." And Ile spirited away with a sly smirk on his face.

"Like it? I never thought I'd live to the day where you'd get me in a sweater, and that's saying something- you alright?"

Grian shook his head, eyes clearing. "Yeah-Yeah, I'm alright... you look amazing is all..."

I smirked. "Bro, you should see me in boots."

That broke Grian out of his mood. "Hahaha! I'd love that."

I smiled.

Right, money.

I pulled a few diamonds from my pocket dimension of a purse, handing them to the Watcher. "You pay, and I'll meet you outside."

"You gonna stay put for once?" he asked, taking the diamonds.

"No promises... gotta keep running!"

And with that I hurried to the front door, halo flashing pale pink.



Besides that, this is what happens when you start using Picrews to make Maya, but they have nothing like her normal clothes and the only thing that looks good on her are cream sweaters xjsjkanzksjajahsjw-

Maya <3

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