Chapter 15

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I woke up to see that the sun wasn't up yet. My eyes half-lidded as I turned my head to see Harry sleeping beside me peacefully. He must have scooted down in his sleep as his head wasn't on the pillow anymore. A few strands of his hair were dangling in front of his face. My hands were actually twitching to put it behind his ears so that I can get a better look at his face. What am I thinking? I never knew I was a creep, hah! That's not creepy that's just okay, I mean he is pretty you can't help it. The creepy me tried to explain the sane me. When I tried to turn he moved too, a little. The stupid mattress is relaying the movement, I guess. But no, it wasn't the mattress. I looked down to see his hand resting on my hand which was resting on my tummy. Woah, that is something I am not accustomed to. Been sleeping alone for a while now. I slowly brought my other hand to touch the tip of Harry's index finger, just the tip. I looked at him, his eyes shut, his back rising and falling syncing with is slow rhythmic breaths. The sky turned a little less dark, declaring that the sun was about to come up.

I slowly placed my free hand on top of his trying to hold it. I gently picked it up from where it lay spread on my arm, I wriggled myself out of my place so that I can place his hand back to where it was except that my body wasn't beneath it. I tucked the duvet from my side back on the matters so it doesn't touch the cold tiles of the terrace floor.

I could almost see the sun peeking from behind the mountains so I adjusted myself accordingly as I sat on the edge of the mattress. I had my back to the sun as I straightened up my shoulders to cover it up. I looked at him sleeping peacefully, his head turned towards the right side as he slept on his back. The sun apparently rose higher, so I changed my position and sat on my knees, my t-shirt rolling up a little as I adjusted. I was surprised at myself that I was doing this for someone. After some time he stirred a little before opening his eyes. The first thing he saw was the empty right side of the mattress. He raised his head a little before he saw me. 

'Hey. I'm Arya.' I said. He let out a chuckle as he rubbed his eyes.

'I'm quite aware, Ms. Winston. Were you gawking at me while I was asleep?' He said.

'Yeah. And you were drooling.' I laughed as he made the most beautiful pouty face I had seen in a while before he wiped the corners of his mouth.

'Why are you sitting like that?' 

'Because.... of this.' I said as I ducked down and sunlight streamed over him all of a sudden.

'Oh god.' He said as he pulled the duvet up to his face. I couldn't help but laugh at his reflex.

'Ohh, come on. you're awake now. It's not like you're a vampire.' I said as I pulled the duvet off of his face. 'Get up. You promised to drop me at my sister's place.'

'When did you wake up?' He asked as he sat up pushing his hair back.

'A while ago.' I said.

'And you've been sitting here shielding me from sun rays since then so that it doesn't wake me up.' He said as he opened his eyes wide in adoration.

'No need to flatter yourself, Styles. I did it because you've told me you don't usually sleep well. I did it as your doctor.' I got up from the mattress. 

'Blah blah blah. Why don't you just accept it you did it out of love? A doctor would hand me pills and kick me out for insomnia not wait for me to wake up like you did.' He said amused at himself for making me speechless. He picked up the duvet and started folding it.

'Pills aren't always the right answer. And besides, you haven't even told me why you can't sleep?' He wasn't smiling anymore but kept folding the duvet. 'Hey. don't okay?'

'What?' He said not looking up as he moved his hands effortlessly over the mattress while placing the pillows together.

'The whole tense shoulders routine. Don't talk, it's totally okay. Take your time.' He finally looked up, checking if I was serious or just mocking him. 'Not kidding. I was surprised that you talked at all, doesn't matter what it's about. You can talk whenever however whatever you want.'

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