Chapter 11

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'I thought I said no questions' I said. He kept looking at me, blatantly ignoring what I said.

'What? No, I'm not-' I said. He opened his mouth to speak but before he could do that. Betty came running towards them.

'Here, you are. I came looking for you. You weren't here.' she said as she came towards me. She then noticed Harry sitting beside me. 'Ohh, looks like you had company.' She gave him a welcoming smile. I was pissed at her, though I know running into Jake was not her fault.

'I called you.' I said between gritted teeth.

'I don't have my phone with me' she raised her empty hands. 'I came over earlier when Emily told me that you would be here.'

'Yeah, Jake was here.' I said. Betty's expression changed. Her mouth fell open. She looked over at Harry and then back at me. Harry was observing us carefully. I genuinely felt bad for dragging him into my own shitty mess. I owed him an explanation and I was going to give him one. I emptied my glass at one go. If I am going to talk about him, I need to drink.

'What did he say?' Betty asked as I ordered another drink. I looked at Harry. I wanted to ask him if he heard us talk, or he just stumbled upon me as he was passing by. Either way, I was just glad that he was there when I felt numb. Though I didn't do it earlier, I should probably thank him. But right now I needed to answer Betty's question, I don't know If I wanted to say in front of Harry that he missed me. I'm afraid that he would judge me for kissing him when we were having that sort of conversation. Especially when he does not know the whole story.

'I uhh, he said things.' I said not wanting to discuss him anymore. 

'She won't talk when I'm here.' He said as if reading my mind. He looked annoyed, no actually he looked hurt. He hated that I never open up to him. But that is not how it's supposed to be. It is supposed to be a simple Doctor-Patient relationship for fucks sake. Me or my past should not even be any of his concerns. 'We're way fucking past that' I told myself. I fucking kissed him to get out of my shit. I can't go back to what should've been that. I wondered how he would react if he came to know my lastname. Something that I never use, because that doesn't define me.

'That's not true.' I lied. And apparently, he knows that I am a horrible liar.

'She kissed me.' He said and sent Betty into another shock. He looked quite amused. I shot him a death glare. Why the fuck did he have to say that all of a sudden?

'Arya, are you two guys actually dating?' Betty asked. She was serious. 

'Oh my god, no. I am not dating him. I don't date my patients for god's sake.' I was so irritated and the bartender had not given me my drink yet.

'Well, you did not tell me you were taking his sessions so I thought maybe.' she said. She was angry that I did not tell her. Well, she shouldn't have moved in the first place. How am I supposed to explain all of this to her on the phone?

'And you didn't tell me you dated Jake.' he said. Fuck, why do they always have to team up against me? 'You really need to work on your conversation skills.' He said as he sipped his drink.

'I take sessions of thousands of people. Why do you think, mentioning him was so important?' I asked Betty ignoring his comment. I don't know why I asked that. I think the alcohol was taking its effect. The bartender finally served my drink and I drank it in one go again without giving it a second thought.

'Does Lou know..'

'Betts no.' I told her before she could finish. 'I'll explain everything, let's just go home now.' Harry cleared his throat. 'And I'll tell you whatever you wanna know too. I used you to save my ass, I owe you an explanation, I'll give you one when we're back in London. Just let the girl drink in peace, right now.' I said looking at both of them. The woman with the clipboards came to Betty. she told something in her ear. Betty replied back. They argued for a while before she agreed to something and the clipboard woman went back. 

'Will you kill me if I told you I'm gonna have to wait till after the party? Some stupid photoshoot and paperwork have to be done.' Betty gave me an apologetic look. I sighed, it wasn't her fault but this party had drained the life out of me.

'Can you give me your car?' I asked.

'Will you be able to drive?' she looked worried. I don't know if it was for her car or me. I was a little buzzed. But I had no choice. I wasn't in the mood to wait here any longer.

'I don't know. I think I'll take a cab.' I said getting up. It took me a few seconds to gain balance. 'What the hell? How much did I drink?' I asked myself mentally. But I was too buzzed to even answer that. 

'Hey, I'll drop ya' Harry said as he got up.

'I..uhh. The cab is fine' I said looking up at him.

'You did it for me once.' He said giving me a reassuring smile. 

'Thank you' I said and I meant it. Betty thanked him too. She made me promise her to give back a call when I reach. 

'You sure you're not drunk right?' I asked him as we sat in his car. 

'I'm not. Do you want me to do a cartwheel to prove it?' He chuckled as he put on his seat belt.

'I'd like that.' I said.

'I can't do that even when I'm not drunk' He said laughing. 

'So you're telling me that you are drunk now' I said. 

'Stop trying to put words in my mouth. I just had two drinks. I swear.' He said.

'Well, I think you shouldn't drive then' I said. I was surprised that he was so patient with me. 

'Fine. Then Let's take a cab. ' He said as he unbuckled his seatbelt.

'Wow, I did not expect that.' I said surprised. 

'Well, What did you expect?' He said as he unbuckled my seatbelt as well.

'I expected you to kick me out for giving you a tough time' He laughed at that. I smiled when I saw him laugh. He looked really hot. 

'Now that I think about it, I think I had more than two drinks' He said as we got out of the car and walked our way out. We got a taxi really quick. 

'Sir could you please turn on the music' I asked the cab driver. He looked at me with respect. I assumed that had to do with me calling him sir. He did that and surprisingly it was History playing. I gave Harry a quick glance. He smiled at me. And before we knew we both started vibing with the beats.

'You are sooo drunk' I said between giggles as he showed his weird moves. The one with left hand's fingers touching the right elbow and vice versa.

'Maybe a little' He said and chuckled. We got out of the cab and Harry paid and thanked the driver. He smiled at us and drove away. But wait What?

Directionless(Harry Styles)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon