Chapter 1

48 4 2

Dubai, 2021


I cannot believe it. Actually, I refuse to believe that this is the team I have chosen for such an important project.

My bosses, the management already told me multiple times, holding a mirror we can say when they said 'You are too soft for being a Project Manager, Nour.'

But they never had a problem with that because one way or another I was able to complete the tasks and make everything perfectly splendid for them to see.

Looks like they were warning me.

For a team that was difficult to handle, like this one.

I looked at my watch and sighed, already four hours past my office time.

The bored look on the faces of the members of my team making me want to thrash the damn room off.

"Okay team, let's take a fifteen minute break.", I announced as I hopped off the desk and walked towards the balcony door.

Then I paused.

"By fifteen, I mean fifteen.", I said sternly and walked out.

I came to this city, which I now call home four years ago. To build something for myself. And I did.

Also, to find something that I was looking for, back home, in India.

But I couldn't even find it here.


And honestly, I somehow stopped too.

I was content with my life, what I currently had.

Of course, I always felt a tinge of hurt and craved for a person... my person whenever I saw these lovely couples, smiling and laughing... even sometimes arguing with each other.

But I knew I always saw only a part of their lives. Like only the 2% of it.

The other 98%, the intricate part of it hidden, and I know I wasn't capable of handling that much.

I wasn't built for it.

Sighing, I turned to go back into my office, the fifteen minutes break almost coming to an end when I saw the engineer from my team having a coffee with his fiancee from the accounts department.

And I stopped. Then turned around again.

The fifteen minute break can perhaps stretch to a twenty minute one.



I am the most simplest person one can ever meet.

Simple not in terms of lifestyle.

My means of making money is by following my passion.

I'm one of the most renowned photographers.

And I have a strong family background.

So yeah, it's not at all simple.

By simple I mean, I'm easy to read. I say what I think, think what I like. I talk to people I like, I stay to myself when I'm not feeling like it.

A pretty uncomplicated person.

But sometimes... no cut that.

But always, I feel like this 'simplicity' of mine has left gaps.

I feel kind off... empty?

I feel the less of depth within my own self.

Maria, my sister says I'm too philosophical for a 24 year old guy but I hate far fetched philosophies.

Also, what has gender and age got anything to do with this topic?

I snorted as I saw her instagram story about 'being deep and resonating with natural aura' while here she was like a day ago telling all this is just too complicated stuff and quotes by authors are just a sham.

Not to sound too critical, but social media does that to you.

Unknowingly, you do tend to live two lives.

Ironically, this is me thinking this while using Instagram.

Wow, Qaes.

Tossing my phone on the table, I looked towards the door and saw the beautiful lady making her way inside the cafè.

My lady.


The ever so beautiful, chic.

She royally walked inside,  turning few heads and getting quite few attention of both gents and ladies.

I glared the guys, silently telling them to back off which they did.

I mean, Zahrah chose me for a reason.

We are the epitome of perfect.

Young, beautiful, ambitious, loving.


Perfect moment.

And there, I jinxed it as she walked into my life and everything just... changed.

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