Some fools fool themselves, I guess, they're not foolin' me

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Some fools fool themselves, I guess 

They're not foolin' me

From the start Louis new he could get his heart broken, it has happened to him before, but he will not make the same mistakes. That is why he saved money on the side, just in case.

It was a silly thought in the beginning but now he is happy he did it. He saved enough money to pay rent for almost ten months. That would give him enough room to find a job. Luckily he already has a job, so it made it a lot easier to start over. It is not the thing he wanted, he missed Harry, but he couldn't do it anymore. He felt broken, again.

Louis found an appartement three blocks away from his work. It was a great place, spacious, light, and a great view over the city. To keep himself going, he walked to work every morning, it gave him sometime to clear his mind.

Louis was having a hard time without Harry. Silly as it is, he really missed him. Louis scolds himself, he shouldn't miss him, he hurt him. But he can't help still feeling love for Harry. Louis guesses it will never make a difference what he did, he knows he misses Harry, but he has to keep going on, and stay strong. He needs to learn to live without Harry, Louis left, and he should feel relieved, nobody can hurt him when he is alone. But still, he misses Harry and realizes he still loves him.

Louis is no fool, he knows what Harry did, but some fools fool themselves.

Harry knows he has to find Louis before he goes totally nuts. He now realized how he has taken his love for granted. Louis is the sweetest person in the world, he really loves with all his heart, and Harry hates himself for not showing Louis how much he really cares for him, and that he too loves Louis.

Why did he have to be so stupid? Just because he could, he knows he is good looking, whenever someone flirts with him, he flirts back. Just because he can. Harry never thought Louis would really leave him. It really hurts. To see Louis not fighting for him. He just walked out. And Louis said that Harry never loved him. That really hurt. Because Harry, now realizes, too late, that he loves Louis with all he has. People are so easy, he never has to be alone, but now that he lost his Louis, he doesn't feel the need to be with someone. He only wants to be with the person he loves most in all the world, Louis. He is afraid he is too late to win Louis back, but he has to try. Even if Louis doesn't want him anymore, Louis has the right to know how Harry feels about what he has done to Louis.

Harry walks into the building and goes straight for the reception. An older lady is behind the desk, and looks up at Harry with a smile. Harry knows the people in the building now who he is, he just hopes Louis didn't tell them he left Harry and that Harry doesn't know where he is living now.

"Oh, well hello Harry" the lady says. "How are you doing?" "I 'm doing great, just a little tired" Harry answers. "Are you finally settled in your new apartment?" "Louis told me you guys just moved here." "Only three blocks away from here, on Mainstreet" "Louis walks to work now every morning" "He told me you have the best view from the seventh floor"

This woman just keeps talking and telling Harry everything he wants to know. There is only one building on Mainstreet with seven stories, so it will be a lot easier to find Louis now.

"Are you going to visit Louis?" she finally asks. Harry tells her no, because Louis is busy and Harry just walked in just to say hi to her. She gives him a blinding smile "Well, have a nice day, Harry, maybe I will see you sometime" she says. "Thank you very much, I'll see you later, bye bye." Harry says as he is walking out of the building.

"This was almost too easy," Harry thinks to himself. He now knows the building. All he needs now is the courage to go over there and face Louis and tell him how much of a screw up he is. Harry hopes Louis will let him in, and let him talk. 


Next chapter you will see what happened when Louis came home early

Thank you for your patience :)

Love, I

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