Some fools think of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness

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Some fools think of happiness, blissfulness, togetherness

Things are going great between Louis and Harry. They try to go out and do things together when they got the time. Of course both are busy with work, but they make it work.

Sometimes Harry brings back flowers, and it gives Louis the feeling he is loved. They watch Netflix together, and every time they sit on the couch Harry pulls Louis close and cuddles him all night. Harry cooks for Louis, all his favourite meals and snacks. So yes, Harry is really trying to prove he is doing better. Louis feels great and at this moment he feels they can conquer the world!

That evening they are going to the fair. Louis really loves the fair, and he is happy harry is taking him there.

Louis really loves the fair, he is having a good time, he is really enjoying himself. Harry has been the sweetest to him lately. Louis can feel Harry is really trying. He give Harry a side glance, and sees Harry is looking at him. "Oh shit," Louis mutters. Harry asks Louis what is wrong, but Louis just shakes his head. He is trying to get rid of that nagging feeling, but he can't seem to shake it all off.

Why is Harry looking at him like that? It is that same look Louis has seen many times before. When Harry feels guilty about something. It gives him an unsettling feeling. He tries to shake this feeling off, they are having a great time, it must be his mind playing tricks on him. Harry promised he would be better and treat him kindly. And he was doing that right now. Louis tries to relax and enjoy the great time they are having right now.

When they came home getting ready to go to sleep Harry looked at him with that same look.

Harry reached out and let his hand trace lightly down Louis chest, memorizing everything. The curve of his hips, his stomach, his happy-trail, nothing went unexplored under his touch. His hand finally went lower, and Harry allowed himself to slip one finger inside the hem of Louis' boxers.

Louis tried staying still, eyes closed, but then Harry kissed his stomach and his eyes flew open again. Not caring about Louis' stare, Harry put his hands on Louis' thighs as his mouth travelled lower. His warm breath blew across Louis' cock, making his hips buck forwards.

"Harry," he cried out, desperate for something, anything.

Harry put his lips to Louis' tip, kissing him tentatively before pulling away again. Louis tangled his hands in Harry's curls, needing something to hold on to. When he started moving, Louis was dead. Completely at his mercy, he stood pressed against the bed and just watched down. Louis squeezed his eyes shut as Harry picked up pace, bringing his hand to cup Louis' balls. "Fuck," he choked, trying to pull Harry off. "I'm gonna-,"

Harry swallowed every single drop before pulling off with a smile. Looking up at Louis, printing this picture in his mind. Louis looking down, doing the same thing.

"I love you, Louis" Harry says, "I love you more, Harry," Louis whispers.

The next day Louis went to work as usual. But he could not concentrate, he got an unsettling feeling in his gut. He struggled through his work, hoping it would soon be time for lunch. He didn't think he could eat something, his stomach was restless.

Finally it is lunchtime and Louis jumps up. He can't wait to get out of the building, just going for a walk to clear his mind and trying to get rid of this nagging feeling something is wrong.

He walks pass a small coffeeshop, and decides he is going to eat lunch there.

The walk helped a little to ease his worried mind, but as soon as his lunchbreak was over and he was back in the building this nagging feeling came creeping up on him again.

It was this time Louis decides to go home early from work. Harry's car was in the driveway when he pulls up to the house.

This can't be good.


I am sorry for the cliffhanger :(

Love, I

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