Love wounds and marks

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Love wounds and marks

Louis has been hurt one too many times. He doesn't want to dive into a new relationship, knowing his heart will be broken all over again. Harry has been texting him regularly, but he still is wary because of what he saw when they first met. Louis feels like Harry doesn't want a real relationship, but just a good fuck.

Louis is not looking for a random fuck, if he is to give himself to someone again, he wants to be in a relationship, he can't just have sex with somebody without loving that person, call him old-fashioned, but he doesn't do hook-ups.

For Louis, in a healthy relationship that revolves around real love, partners don't feel the need to give up parts of themselves. True love allows two people to just be themselves, making you feel like a complete individual, even without each other.

Louis learnt the hard way that his look on love also made him a little naïve, because he let the other be himself, and do things on his own, which resulted in a cheating partner.

With true love, it is important to realize that your feelings go beyond lust. That is, there is more to it than just physical attraction.

Believing in true love was hard for Louis, despite the difficulties and imperfections of both of the partners, true love is characterized by a trust that love lasts. That feeling of trust is, by the way, a long-term process. And Louis trusts too easy when he is in love.

Harry is a man who does not want a love relationship, but only a relationship to satisfy his sexual desires. He wants a partner without the responsibilities and obligations that are normally attached to a serious relationship. The pleasures, not the burdens. And to achieve that, he is not honest about his true intentions.
Harry gains trust in such a way that the other will fully commit to him. The other hopes for love, but ends with only sex. Simply put, Harry gives false hope to meet his own needs. The other is important to Harry, as long as the other makes him sexually happy and keeps him satisfied. Meanwhile, Harry plays with emotions, flirts with others, and eventually breaks trust in a cruel way.

But something changed in Harry, he can't pinpoint the exact moment or reason, but he thinks it has something to do with a certain pretty blue-eyed boy.

Louis was surprised when he received a text from Harry to meet him at a small coffeeshop downtown. Louis was nervous to meet Harry, yeah he saw him leaving a stall with somebody, but they were not in a relationship or had any commitment to each other. Despite what he saw, he still really liked Harry, he could not forget his forest green eyes, and the nice feeling he got in his stomach when they were texting the last two weeks. If Harry would ask, Louis would definitely give it a go with Harry. But being realistic, he knew Harry would never want that. From what he has seen, Harry is not looking for a relationship, and that is what Louis wants. He will not do a one time thing, then he would rather be wondering how it maybe could have been. Because he knows that he needs to give his all before he will have sex, and he expects the other person to do that too.

If it comes to it, he will tell Harry, he has nothing to lose and all to gain, so if Harry doesn't want that, it will be his loss. It's easier said than done, he just needs to control his nerves and see how it goes.

Louis was already waiting in a booth and feels very nervous, and when he sees Harry entering the little coffeeshop, butterflies erupt in his stomach.

When Harry slid in the booth with Louis, and Harry started talking to him, he felt at ease immediately. He forgot how easy it was to talk to Harry. Both of them never mentioned what happened at the bar, but Louis felt like he had to say it. "Uhm, Harry, about the other Saturday.. uhm....I" Louis didn't really know what to say. But before he could gather his thoughts to talk again Harry spoke, "You never texted me back, I thought you wouldn't come." "If I knew you would be coming I would have never....." "Well, we are not in a relationship or anything," Louis says. "But I thought with all the texting and or talk the other night, we would maybe......"

Harry grabs Louis hand and looks him deep in his ocean blue eyes. "I really like you, Louis, I hope that you maybe would give it a try with me." Harry says. "Please go on a date with me?"

"I would really like that Harry, I like you too." Louis says.

The first date was a success. They had a great time together, there were many more dates, and after the seventh date Harry asked Louis to be his boyfriend. Louis wanted to be his boyfriend but was still a little sceptic. He had seen Harry's behaviour before they were dating, it gave him an unsettling feeling. But he pushed that feeling aside, he liked Harry too much to say no. He saw Harry the past few weeks, and he had no reason to believe Harry was lying to him. So Louis said yes to being Harry's boyfriend.

But he also asked Harry to not hurt his feelings, and Harry told him he really only wanted Louis, and that he will try to never hurt his feelings. "Things will be great." Louis thought.

If only Louis had listened better. 

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