I'm young, I know, but even so

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I'm young, I know,
but even so

Louis is almost done working, he is starting to gather his things so he can prepare for the house party they have to attend. They were invited to this party, Louis didn't want to go, but Harry insisted he should come. The party is hosted by an old friend of Harry, and that friend really wants to meet Louis. So Louis being the sweet guy that he is, pushed his reluctance of house parties aside and agreed to come with Harry to the party.

Just as he is about to turn his computer of, his boss comes barging into his office. "Louis, we have a problem!" he says. Louis groans, because he knows he has to stay late now, the fix whatever problem his boss is having. Louis listens carefully when his boss explains what he has to do.

After his boss finishes explaining what he wants, Louis thinks he can fix the problem in an hour or two.

Louis has to call Harry and tell him he has to work late again. And with the party tonight, Louis knows Harry will not like it. Harry was really looking forward to the party.

Louis picks up his phone and calls Harry. Harry picks up on the second ring. "Hey, baby, you in the car yet, driving home?" Harry answers the phone. "No, I'm sorry Harry, I have to finish this problem for my boss." Louis hears Harry sigh in annoyance. "If you don't want to go to the party, you just could have said you didn't want to go. I was really looking forward to this party" "Harry, please, stop it, I want to go, I promised you I would come, I just have to finish this and then I can come. You go ahead, I will come later" Louis says. The reaction he gets from Harry is not the reaction he expects, he knew Harry wouldn't like it, him working late again, but this is ridiculous. " I know why you are working late, you just want to let your boss fuck you!" Harry yells. "Go on, let him fuck you, I am going to the party alone, I will see you when I see you!" and then Harry hangs up, not even waiting for Louis to react. Louis feels guilty but he can't say no to his boss, he needs his job, and doesn't want to lose it, because he has to party. Louis just starts working on the problem, the sooner he starts, the sooner he can go to the party.

Louis gets in the car and puts the address in the GPS, and drives off, it is only a 40 minute drive. Louis connect his phone to the Bluetooth, and tries to call Harry again. Harry does not answer his phone. Louis is not too worried, the music is probably very loud at the party, and Harry will call him back when he sees Louis has called him. But Harry doesn't call back, or answered Louis' text.

While driving to the party, Louis tries to call Harry a few more times, but he still doesn't answer.

Louis gets a strange feeling in his stomach, Harry did hang up the phone being angry, Louis just hopes Harry doesn't do anything stupid, like drink or smoke too much weed.

Louis finally reaches the house where the party is. Loud thumping is heard from the music at the party. After working he didn't feel like going to a party, and the fact Harry didn't answer Louis' texts or calls the last hour makes him feel giddy inside, and does not increase his mood. He just hopes Harry is not too drunk and wants to stay very long, he just wants to go home relax on the couch, snuggle up to Harry and watch a movie.

When Louis opens the door he is instantly hit with the smell of cigarettes and weed. The place is crowded, Louis wonders how many people are there, when he tries to wiggle his way through the crowd pushing past sweaty bodies looking for Harry.

He makes his way to the kitchen, to pour himself a drink, maybe he'll see Harry there. Louis has no idea where to look for him. He really needs a drink after all this stressing out about work. With a beer in his hand, he walks to the living room, still looking for Harry, but when he finally spots him on the couch he can not believe his eyes. Louis really hopes it is not what he thinks he sees, but something tell him to not get his hopes up. And the longer he looks, the angrier he gets.

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