Life Ruined by Panic

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I hear footsteps and my heart starts to race. I look back to Ryder but he just has an evil smirk on his face, while keeping Bruno quiet. A shadow starts to appear that is no doubt Bryce's, but I force myself to stay calm. He kneels down and sits next to me.

"Hey. Why did you run off?" Bryce questions.

"Take a guess." I don't know where that came from, but I add a small giggle on to the end to not sound so serious.

"I don't have the slightest clue. That's obviously why I asked." He shrugs, like an innocent being. I squint and stare. Now that I've seen the real him, theres no turning back.

"I'm sorry Bryce, but what do you want?" I was getting impatient, but at the same time I was terrified.

"I just wanted to know the story about the watch. Ryder has told no one. Except you."

"And why would you think that? Even if I did, why would I tell you?"

"Because I love you." I disregard this comment for the moment, but I won't hesitate to bring it up later.

"Bryce, you're one of Ryder's good friends and you have known each other for quite a while. However, I don't have the right to share something someone else wanted to keep secret. When he is ready, he will tell you." I stare straight into his eyes, not moving a muscle.

"Yeah well, you obviously have a deeper connection. I guess I was jealous."  

"Well, I can't help you with that. I mean, he doesn't seem pleased with me at the moment anyways. So, you're probably better off."

"Stop stalling, Luna. Just tell me the story, it can't be that bad."

"What part of no don't you understand, Bryce. It's not rocket science."

"Just tell me now, Luna, or I swear you will pay. I will make all the guys hate you, you will have no one left in your sad little life." These words were harsher than Ryder's and that's saying something.

"I'm sorry, but like have you taken drugs or something?" I shake him. "Mr Demon, could you please get out of Bryce"

"You're so stupid. You do realise I could just beat you up now and no one would know. We're in the middle of a forest that I didn't even know existed. I could leave you here and no one would care."

I stand up and slap him in the face. "Do it then."

He raises his fist but I stay still, as if I'm a statue. He forces his fist through the air, directly towards my face. It's as if the world is in slow motion. I start to get scared, but don't show it even a little on the outside. Finally, I hear movement from behind me.

"What are you doing?" Ryder steps in front of Bryce, taking his fist in one hand and lowering it. Bruno comes and rests at my feet.

"Ryder, mate, I'm only joking calm down."

"How was that joking? You made her hyperventilate and she would probably be dead by now if I wasn't out here."

"Lucky you were then." I felt like killing him right then and there. I was never really close to him anyway. Whoa, where is this coming from. I surprise myself with my own thoughts.

"Go home, Bryce. Luna and I need some time. Most importantly, you need to calm down. I don't know what has gotten into you " Bryce turns around with a weird expression, like he's telling me 'we'll finish this later'. I'm not going to deny it, he's freaking me out.

When Bryce is out of sight, I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding. I turn to Ryder and hug him.

"I honestly don't care if you're angry at me now. Never let me go." He laughs.

"If you're that keen, then fine I forgive you." I hug him tighter and get the same in return. He kisses me on the forehead.

"You should go home and get some rest."

"Can you take me?" He laughs again. Thank God he can pick up on my sarcasm. But he takes it seriously anyway.

"Sure." He gives me a piggyback and I hide behind his shoulders, because he's that tall.



"Can you sleep with me tonight? I'm scared Bryce will hurt me." He laughs for the third time.

"Any other requests."

"Do we have any hot chocolate?"

"Anything else?" I think for a moment.

"Nope, that's all."

"Luna, you're adorable."

"I know." Hehe

"How about we make this international Luna Day then."

"I'd like that."

"Of course, you would."

"But don't tell Bryce."

"No promises."


"Calm down, I'm joking."

"I know"

* * *

Before we reach the house, Ryder stops and puts me down.

"Now, please, will you tell me what you were so upset about. I mean, I know I can trust you since you wouldn't tell Bryce anything, so please trust me."

"I do trust you."

"Wow, I'd never thought I would hear you say that."

"Sometimes people do unexpected things. You just have to accept that."

"Oh you're going all inspirational now, are you?"

"Yeah, you reckon I could be an inspirational speaker?"  

"Not quite," He laughs, "Anyways, since you trust me, can you please tell me why you were upset. I just want to help, even if you think you don't need it." I ignore his comment and walk inside, straight into our room. Not without noticing all the weird looks I get first. People need to mind their own business.

"Well, hurry up, where's my hot chocolate?" Laughing, he walks out of the room.

This has been one hell of a day. I'm actually considering keeping the name International Luna Day, even though I know Ryder was joking. I mean, what was up with Bryce. Speaking of which, where is Bryce? I didn't see him when I walked in.

I walk towards the window. At least, the stars are here to cheer me up. I sigh. The day has to end some way, I'm glad it's this way.

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Really can't be bothered to write additional notes so...

Sorry for any silly mistakes.

Until next time, over and out. BYES >_<


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