Chapter 49: White Butterfly

Start from the beginning

They headed back to the Tower with no useful information, with Loki being unusually calm considering what they just heard, even Tony, the Fun Party Guy was having a hard time dealing with it. They met up with Natasha and Clint who were in the War Room, doing their best to follow your movements but in a city of 18 million, you seemed to have disappeared. "We already tried her cell, it seems to be off but it pinged last off this tower here, which gave us a general location but it's nothing concrete, some of the kids from the Triskelion are already searching the area, they'll fine something it's only a matter of time", Natasha said, turning to all of them locking eyes with Loki for a moment before leaving the room to go make some coffee. The God of Mischief followed her out, both Avengers having a nice calm discussion between two rational adults and their weapons. "I know you're looking for someone to blame and maybe it is partly my fault for not stopping her but this was Gracie's decision, she is the one that came to me and Ms.Watson with this, she trusted us enough to help her see this through, for her" Natasha said, with Loki putting his sceptre away as he took a seat. "Did she not trust me?" the God of Mischief muttered to himself but the spy heard and came to sit down with him, soon saying, "you know pretty much the entire time we were off to collect the serum, she was worried about you, not herself, I don't think it was a matter of trust, in your case, it's the fact that she knows you so well, she was certain you would try and stop her". Loki was quiet for a moment, you were right, that is exactly what he would have done, but not wanting to acknowledge that, he got up, saying he was going to go join the others in finding you. 

Before leaving though Natasha got a text from MJ, she was at the meeting place that turned out to be your apartment, saying you left a message on the voice machine. The Spy told Loki right away so instead of going out to join all the young heroes he went back to the apartment, finding that MJ had taken very good care of the place. It was awkward at first, to say the least, but at this point, Loki was kind of too worn out to be mad, he just needed to get you back and make things right, its all he could do. MJ told Loki which buttons to hit in order to play the message before leaving the room, saying it was something he'd probably want to hear by himself, "I'll go join the others and I'll call if we find anything". Loki listened very carefully, it made him laugh and it made him cry, he felt relief and then rage, with the Asgardian playing the message again, just to hear your voice, hearing you tell him that you loved him. Loki just sat there for a while, thinking about what to do next, when the obvious popped into his head, the God of Mischief could get Pharaoh to just track your scent. So after about five minutes or so, Loki was on the scene with your Wolf, having him locate and follow your scent, which soon led him to the old run-down Church. 

Loki walked in slowly, this place was definitely rundown and he wondered why of all places you choose here to hide in, but thinking more about it, you coming to a place like this, made a lot of sense. It was out of the way and the God of Mischief didn't even notice this old building until Pharaoh ran towards it, it would seem none of the others picked up on it either. Loki called out your name as Pharaoh continued to search, following the scent until they both reach one of the pews closer to the front, finding your Loki jacket and your cellphone seemingly broken, as it lay on the floor with its screen all cracked. The God of Mischief knelt down to pick it up off the ground, finding it covered in some kind of sticky thick glistening fluid, not knowing what to make of it until something else caught the light and his attention. Loki couldn't see it from his upright position but now being closer to the ground, he could see under the pews a bit better and he could see what was clearly broken glass. The God of Mischief rushed forward, grabbing the pew in question and launching it across the room to get a better view of what it was and unfortunately, it was a broken syringe. There didn't seem to be any of that weird fluid on it so Loki couldn't be 100% certain of it but he was pretty sure that this held Dr.Morbius' formula and that he was too late. The only real questions remaining were what happened, were you still alive, and if so, where were you now? 

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