Chapter 7: Liv's Magic

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"You should just stay away from him, Liv." Dan told me.

"You don't get to decide that." I snapped at him. "Now let go of my hand. You're hurting me." I told him.

Dan glared at me, not letting go of my hand.

What's wrong with him?

"She asked you to let her hand go!" Hunter's voice hissed from behind me.

I did not have to turn around to know that he was glaring at Dan. But I still turned around.

Oh fuzzy squirrels!

Hunter looked positively murderous as he glared at Dan. And Dan being Dan, was glaring back at him.

"Why do you care?" Dan asked Hunter.

Crappy crepe!

"Is there a problem here?" Ryan asked as he walked up to us.

Double crappy crepe!

"Let go of her hand!" Hunter ordered.

"Why should I? She's my friend!" Dan shot back.

Really? The friend-card?

"She was asking you to let her go!" Hunter grunted.

"That's none of your business!" Dan sneered.

Is this going to turn into a fight?

Because I need my big bowl of extra-buttery popcorn for that!

"You-" Hunter started advancing towards Dan but Ryan came in his way.

"You should back off, Kingston. Leave while you still can." Ryan threatened.


Where did the sweet and kind guy, who always smiled at me, go?

All the boys who were still in the parking lot were now coming to stand next to Ryan to show their support.

"Don't start something you wouldn't be able to deal with on your own, Anderson." Hunter shot back.

"Dan, let me go!" I hissed at Dan who glared at me before turning to look at the scene.

All this was turning into something it wasn't. It looked like a gang war, only Hunter was all alone.

It was one against eight...

I knew that Ryan and Hunter had some issues but they were blowing the whole thing way out of proportion!

And Dan was also acting completely unlike himself.

I had to do something...

I had to stop before punches were thrown...

Screw my ice-cream!

I stamped on Dan's foot with mine, making him release his group on my hand. I rushed between Ryan and Hunter who were chest-to-chest now, glaring at each other.

Bad move, I know...

I pushed the both of them away from each other with my hands on their chests.

"Back off, guys!" I told them.

Hunter grabbed my hand and started inspecting my wrist which now had red marks from Dan's grip.

"I'm okay, Hunter." I told him when I saw him looking up to glare at Dan.

"Don't lie to me, Olivia!" Hunter hissed at me. I rolled my eyes as I turned to Ryan.

"You wanted us to be friends again, right? Then start with telling your friends to leave." I spoke in a brave and leveled tone.

I feel like a freaking bad-ass!

"I wanted to be friends with you. Not him!" Ryan told me.

"Well, I'm the one telling you to tell your minions to back off!" I snapped at him. "They don't need to be a part of this." I added in a low voice.

Ryan looked at me for a few seconds, as if searching for something to telepathically tell me something before he turned to his friends and nodded once.

His friends backed away, getting back to their cars.

"Get away from him, Liv." Ryan commanded me, glaring at Hunter.

"Why should I? He was the one who tried to help me." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"He's bad news, Liv. Just come here." Ryan motioned for me to come closer to him.

"Says the guy who nodded at his sidekicks and sent them away like a freaking gang-leader!" I said, eyeing Ryan.

He's so not the guy I thought him to be...

"Liv-" Dan started but I cut him off.

"Zip it, puppet!" I glared at him. I turned back to Ryan. "If you want to talk about bad news then stop telling my friends to snitch on me." I told Ryan.

Ryan's eyes turned wide before he glanced at Dan who looked just as shocked.

"Did he-" Ryan started but Hunter cut him off.

"I told her." He informed Ryan smugly.

"If you really want to be friends then start by telling the truth and stop using Dan!" I snapped at Ryan before taking Hunter's hand. "Drop me home?" I asked.

Hunter's smirk turned to a smile as he nodded at me.

"Liv!" Ryan called.

"Call me when you're ready to tell me the truth." I told him. Hunter smirked as he led me to his car. "Just so you know, I don't like you any better." I told Hunter.

"What did I do?" Hunter frowned.

"You didn't tell me why you stopped talking to me." I reminded him and the humour in his eyes instantly vanished. "You're not the good guy, either." I told him.

It was silent as Hunter and I got into his car and he started driving out of the school.

I focused on the scenery passing us by rather than focusing on the boy who was driving me home.

"You still want to kiss me!" Hunter suddenly spoke up. I rolled my eyes when I saw his smirk.

"I'd rather glue my lips shut!" I told him, shaking my head.

Today turned out well... Right?


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Me: COMMENT and SHARE if you want more than two updates each week!

Olivia: And also, VOTE/LIKE if you like the story.

Me: I'll be updating next on 10th October 2021.

Olivia: That's Sunday.

Hunter: Until then, stay safe!

Me and Olivia: And eat gummy bears!

Curtains close as the author and the characters wave at the audience...

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