Chapter 5: Duel, Barbatos vs Destiny

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In the middle ocean Barbatos along with the U.S and British Fleet set off to pick up Sheffield and Edinburgh who had finished spying on the Crimson axis and he soon learned they brought along a Sakura Empire repair ship named Akashi.

He looks at the Hazy view as he still can't move on with the mistake he did to his friends, suddenly he is approached by Nobel Gundam

Nobel: you seemed sad

Barbatos: Yeah, I am sad

Nobel: Why?

Barbatos: I lost my friends to the sirens

Nobel: What

Barbatos: I did, it's a long story

While on their way to rescue their comrades they saw a Gundam carrying a big sword

Destiny: Attention Azur lane my name is Destiny Gundam and I am here to join you as leader

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Destiny: Attention Azur lane my name is Destiny Gundam and I am here to join you as leader

Unicorn: are you crazy, we already had one it's my brother Barbatos

Destiny: Barbatos?

Barbatos: Yeah she was referring to me dude, and you are welcome to join us but you shall not lead I called the shots here not you

Destiny I beg to differ for I shall challenge you to a duel to see who shall lead

(If you know where this is you get a hug from Barbatos)

Barbatos: I accept your challenge

Barbatos grabs his mace while Destiny charged at him but Barbatos quickly dodged out of the way

Destiny: Arghh....

Barbatos: Hmph too slow

Destiny: Why you

Destiny furiously charges at Barbatos while Barbatos dodged his attacks tiring Destiny out

Barbatos: Are you finished yet?

Destiny: Huff....puff.... Not until I smash you HIYAAAAAA!!!!!

Barbatos dodged out of the way

Barbatos: Give it up you will never beat me

Destiny: GRAAAAH!!!!

Barbatos blocked Destiny's attack with his mace

Barbatos: Ngrrrh for a guy like yourself you are not that bad

Destiny: And you have some things I like as well

Destiny activates SEED Mode and gives Barbatos a barrage of hits with his Palma Fiocina which breaks his mace that couldn't take much more

Barbatos: Oh no this isn't good

Destiny: YOUR MINE !!!

Barbatos dodged out of the way and grabs Destiny's arm before throwing him into the side, Barbatos then creates a Soengeki Ryuha attack while Destiny fires the Palma Fiocina Beam Cannon both beams clashed with each other as it ends with Destiny being blasted away by Barbatos's Soengeki Ryuha, Destiny then falls to the ocean as Barbatos picked him up to them as he picks him up he enters Destiny's mind by accident and he saw everything, he saw Destiny weeping as his family dies, Barbatos felt bad for defeating Destiny and he knows just what to do

Barbatos The Gundam:  Azur Lane's Iron-Blooded CommanderWhere stories live. Discover now