Chapter 15: Time has come, The rise of the sister frames

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After a few days of resting, Barbatos made a full recovery and is back to his old self again while he is resting His mother and sister stood by him while Javelin, Laffey, and Ayanami prayed to the mighty hoping that he would be ok, and Turn A and the other Gundams (Minus RX-0 whom is taking care of Barbatos) discussed Barbatos's above-average power

Sinanju Stein: What he turned into a Super Gundam impossible what did you do Nu

Nu: It wasn't me, he told me he got that a few days ago

Sinanju Stein: What! How?

Nu: I don't know

Turn X: Brother I thought Super Gundams are just some fairy tales that parents tell to their children about a legendary warrior and did this fairytale come true

Turn A: Yes if the prophecy is correct then Barbatos will need to be a Super Gundam to stop the sirens

Turn X: But he didn't Turn into a Super Gundam under our supervision

Turn A: Yes but if he didn't turn into a Super Gundam under our supervision then how did he turn into one

Unicorn: His determination

The elder Gundams: WHAT?!

Unicorn: He got that because he was determined to save his friend

Turn X: Hang on kid so he transformed into a Super Gundam because of his friend

Unicorn: Yep

Turn A: Wow impressive

Turn X: Yeah

Meanwhile at the Azur Lane base

Arbiter: Azur Lane today this is the day all of you perish

Destiny: Not if we have to say anything about it

The ship girls and the remaining Mobile Suits sortie to battle against the Sirens but to their surprise, the Crimson Axis turned against them and joined the Azur Lane

Arbiter: Traitors Sirens destroy them

Back to Barbatos

Javelin: So how do you feel

Barbatos: I'm okay

Javelin: Good to hear that

Ayanami: Guys the Azur lane is in trouble we have to go now

Barbatos: Right but before we go I have something I want to give you Ayanami

Ayanami: What is it

Barbatos: Follow me but before we go I have a plan for you guys

The Sister frames: What is it

Barbatos: Well it goes like this...

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi Enty arm-wrestling chibi Barbatos

Enterprise: Barbatos where ever you are please help us

Suddenly she heard a beam sound


Atago: Wait that sound it's... It's

Play this song while you're at it

Barbatos The Gundam:  Azur Lane's Iron-Blooded CommanderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora