The Weird Gang

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"Tonight's pep rally isn't like any other we've had in the past... and we shouldn't pretend that it is"

Reina groaned and Jughead sighed loudly, both knowing the speech that was about to come.

"Tears ready?" Jughead questioned, making the ravenette blink quickly as tears gathered in her eyes.


"Sobs ready?"

Reina snorted quietly but took a tissue from her purse, sneezing on it as she nodded.

"I still can't believe he's gone" She muttered to herself, looking to the woman that was three seats away from her, receiving a sad nod from her as Jughead placed his hand over his mouth in order to stop his laughter.

They shouldn't be joking about this, but oh well.

"Which is why I would like to dedicate this evening to the memory of one of our brightest. Jason Blossom. We're with him tonight. Now please, join me in welcoming to the field our very own River Vixens, and their special guests stars, my daughter Josie and her Pussycats!"

The girls then started to sing and the cheerleaders to cheer, seeing her twin, Reina quickly elbowed Jughead and the boy rolled his eyes, but stood up with her as they cheered loudly her name, making Veronica grin as she winked at them.



Glaring at Jughead, the boy purposefully ignored Reina as she jabbed his side, making him double over in pain as she smirked.

"Compare me to the twins of the shining and I'll show you a true murder scene, JJ"

The boy only groaned, holding his stomach as he pouted playfully at her "You're right, not much to compare, they were cute at least"

Pulling his ear, the boy yelped loudly, making Reina humm in satisfaction before she let go of his reddened ear.

The music stopped and the players entered the field with Archibald leading the team, gasps were heard making the duo look over to where the commotion was happening, only to see Cheryl running off.

"Well... that was something" Jughead commented as he held onto his ear, his eyes observing closely everyone's reaction as Reina took her purse and looked at him.

"I'll check on her, wait here?" He nodded quickly and she left, she didn't run though, seeing that her twin had followed after the ginger.

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