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First day of school after their father being locked up wasn't something the twins were looking up to, even less in a new city that had probably less habitants than their last school.

Seeing a smiling blonde with way too much baby pink at early morning didn't help Reina's situation, leading on the older twin quickly ditching the tour around the school which would be full of crappy history.

Kissing her sister's temple, the brunette turned on her heels and talked outside, ignoring the curious glances she received before she stopped under a tree far from the student population.

Veronica was always better on faking her emotions, so she would survive some minutes with the seemingly good girl of the school, Reina, however, never had the patience nor the interest in faking anything.

She would bluntly say how stupid you were right on your face and make the whole atmosphere grow awkward and pretty much fuck up with her sister's chances of finding friends.

Specially when she knew that someone was bound to comment on their father's new occupation at the jail, teenagers were just noisy like that after all.

The brunette didn't seem to mind her expansive trousers getting in contact with the slightly wet grass, taking her laptop from her leather bag, she quickly started to read the emails from her father's multiple accounts.

A massive migraine already starting to form on her head as she read the negative responses from their dealers that had done their agreements with the patriarch of the family whom had seen his current position and felt threatened by it.

Looking down at the small plastic with white powder on it, the brunette had a contemplative look on her face. If her twin had know how she had left her weed and was now using heroin, she would be getting a hella scene right now.

Veronica didn't know why she had started though, she didn't know that Hiram had placed their drug empire on the hands of his child.

Obviously, he never forced her into using it, but he said it was a test to see if she was able to lead the family and she knew just what would happen if she couldn't.

He would lay those responsibilities on Veronica and she wouldn't let her younger twin be involved on his shit if it depended on her.

It wasn't as if Hiram trusted Hermione to take care of the business, of course, once or twice he would give her something to sign and that was all, but the matriarch of the family wasn't really involved in the dark business of the Lodge.

So it was only Hiram and Reina and while she was his daughter, the guys he used to make deals with didn't care for her status, only if she was one of them or not.

She was already a woman, trying to lead druggies wouldn't be easy unless she turned one herself according to their leader, that was her only strategy to gain their respect and trust, she wasn't betting on getting addicted to it however.

From where she stood, her eyes would often set up from her screen, watching carefully for any possible threats that could come close enough to have a look on the documents, observing how different yet similar they were to their old colleagues.

Veronica's old colleagues at least.

She was yet to see someone with leather jackets, black ripped jeans and some band's shirt like her. Her black Louboutin giving her outfit just a little bit of classy to the full dangerous look she wore.

It was certainly one of the things that differed her from her twin, who opted on wearing her girlish dresses, which Reina wouldn't be caught dead on.

Feeling her phone vibrating on her pants, the brunette quickly took it out and looked at the screen, reading the message from Ronnie that said something about an assembly.

"Many of you were lucky enough to have known my brother personally. Each and every one of you meant the world to Jason. I loved my brother. He was and always will be my soulmate"

The assembly had barely started and the twins couldn't be more uncomfortable, standing straight next to each other as they heard the words of the ginger with tense composure.

"So I speak with the confidence only a twin could have... Jason wouldn't want us to spend the year mourning. Jason would want us to move on with our lives" the ginger continued, making Reina scoff silently as she gave her twin a look.

"You better find a way to the purgatory to bring me back, if I die and find you going on school parties I'll pull on your feet when you sleep, cariño" Veronica tried to hide her snort with a cough, making the people around them give her judging stares, which were quickly shut off by Reina's glare.

"Oh please, mi alma, we both know that I'll accompany you to hell and back, you're my ride or die, remember?" Veronica reassured her twin with a soft smile, one that she only used with Reina, before wrapping her arms around the older girl's waist.

"Which is why I've asked the School Board not to cancel the Back to School semiformal. But rather to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively" the ginger continued speaking as the twins grinned at each other.

"Let's keep with the ride part only for now, okay cariño?"

"You got a deal, mi alma"

"You got a deal, mi alma"

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