Play with Fire

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"So, what are you three hens gossiping about?" Cheryl asked while passing her eyes around the group, watching as they all grew silent before a smirk appeared on Reina's face.

"Archie's Efron-esque emergence from the chrysalis of puberty?"

"Carrot top's... gifts? Talents? Or rather lack of them, I still don't know" Betty and Kevin glared at her while Veronica stifled a laugh.

"Extracurriculars, actually, Weatherbee wants us to sign up for a few" covering up for her twin's comment, Veronica managed to grab the red devil's attention, making her newest friends sigh in relief.

"Cheerleading! You must. I'm the senior captain of the River Vixens" the twins grinned at the ginger, for different reasons, one because she was actually interested in the topic and the other because she was finding the queen bee quite amusing with her dramatic personality.

"Is cheerleading still a thing?"

"Is being the gay best friend still a thing?" Kicking Reina's foot under the table once Vee heard the beginning of a snort, the brunette occupied herself with her food once again as she continued listening.

"Some people say it's retro, I say it's eternal and iconic" Reina gave her sister a soft smile as she nudged her playfully.

"Cariño was the jumper? Flyer? It was flyer right?" Veronica grinned brightly at Reina and nodded.

"At Spence, I sat at the top of the Elite's pyramid. I'm in... Betty you're trying out too" Rei frowned at her sister while whispering só only she could hear her.

"Don't you watch movies? The girl next door isn't the cheerleader, you're breaking the natural order, cariño!" Deepening her voice to make it look scarier, Reina looked deeply into the eyes of Veronica as she whispered "You shouldn't disturb the natural order"

Veronica laughed loudly at her sister's antics, the duo not seeing the sad expression that had crossed on Cheryl's features as she watched the twins, before she shoved her sister to the side.

"Of course! Anyone's welcome to try out, but Betty's already got so much on her plate right now and being a Vixen is kind of a full-time thing, but... open to all! Are you trying out too, Reina?" Cheryl exclaimed with a fake smile pointed to Betty, before she turned to look at the older twin with a curious look on her face.

"Oh no, hermosa, it's not my thing. Do you happen to know anything about martial arts?" Reina questioned while leaning her head on her hand.

She watched calmly as a contemplative look appeared on the Blossom's soft features before they broke into a wide smile, quickly standing from her seat as Reina took it as a sign for her to follow.

"Cariño, I'll see you in class, okay?" Reina mumbled to her twin and gave her a quick kiss on the head before she started to follow after the ginger, who paused for a second to look at her twin.

"Follow me on Twitter and I'll do the same. My handle is @cherylbombshell. Now, chop chop, let's get going, Reina" the group followed the duo with their eyes as far as they could, watching in disbelief as Cheryl seemed to genuinely laugh with the girl.

"Should we be scared she is hanging out with Cheryl?" Kevin suddenly asked, cutting the awkward silence.

"You're still unsure? She talked about Archie when we told them not too!" Betty murmured under her breath before looking down, avoiding Veronica's eyes as she felt the brunette analyzing her every movement with a raised eyebrow, perhaps it wasn't a good idea to talk about Reina in the presence of Veronica.

"You should be terrified" the youngest twin answered giving Betty a serious look before she broke in a fake smile, which no one noticed "Okay. Go ahead and hate on cheerleading, but if Hipster Prince Harry-"

Betty cut her off before she could finish her sentence, making Veronica discreetly kiss her teeth as she looked over at the blonde.

"I'd love to be a cheerleading. It would look great on my college applications, but last year when I tried out, Cheryl said I was too fat" Betty said with a victim face, even shrinking her shoulders to add to the effect.

For the first time in her life, Veronica was happy that Reina wasn't by her side, if there was something that managed to piss off her twin was when someone tried to play the victim with futile things.

"Too season 5 Betty Draper, it was a great line" with a pointed look received from the blonde, Kevin finished "But not at all true"

"Well, you're a total smoke show now. I mean it! As hot and as smart as you are, you should be the Queen Bey of this drab hive" it's a shame you chose my twin to talk bad about.

"Look, if you want to be a River Vixen, I'll help you prep. I have moves" Veronica smiled sweetly at the blonde, wondering why on earth she chose cheerleader instead of theater right now since it was clear she was great in acting.

"Okay. You know what? Show me your moves" oh Betty, Betty, Betty... little did you know that this was only the first step for Veronica to play with your heart as well.

But you know what they say, right? If you looked at one of the twins in a way the other didn't like, hell would soon be your new home and Veronica really didn't like the way Elizabeth Cooper looked at her alma.

But you know what they say, right? If you looked at one of the twins in a way the other didn't like, hell would soon be your new home and Veronica really didn't like the way Elizabeth Cooper looked at her alma

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